Tagged: Kim Jong-Un

The Triumphant, Victorious Return of Winning

The most cowardly president in U.S. history, in one of his new administration’s ceremonial first lies, ordered one of his most prominent and tongue-weary bootlickers, Marco “Yes Master” Rubio (aka Marco the Martian-Hunter), to “pause” all foreign aid, excluding military aid to Israel and Egypt, which is to say including military aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Insult-in-Chief himself, in part of his feverish...

You can’t keep a good demagogue down!

Just twelve hours ago, I was saying “Let’s see Trump top this!” regarding Kim Jong Un’s fantabulous propaganda coup of riding a white horse around a snowy mountain landscape. Trump wouldn’t even have the guts to try to compete with such a beautiful bit of agitprop from his dear friend Jong Un. “He likes me,” Trump even mewed pathetically when reporters asked him...

Let’s See Trump Top THIS!

Man, oh, man, if this video from North Korean state television is any indication, 2020 promises to be one of the coolest years ever! Kim Jong Un riding across the gorgeous Paektu Mountain landscape on a white horse! With his whole dang entourage riding along with him. Now this is my kind of propaganda video. I grew up on this stuff. I mean...

A Plea to Friends Defending Trump

Here is Donald Trump’s latest wisdom addressing the current crackdown on those Hong Kong protesters lunging for one more gasp of air as the Chinese Communist Party slowly suffocates their last hopes of independence from the totalitarian behemoth. Trump: “We have to stand with Hong Kong, but I’m also standing with President Xi.” — Daniel Dale (@ddale8) November 22, 2019 A grand act...

Yes, he is that weak

Lest anyone imagine that Trump’s boasting this week about his ability to bankrupt a nation even faster than he can bankrupt a business is limited to matters of mere economic survival, the Orange God himself has taken pains to remind Americans that he is just as brave and unprecedented in promoting moral bankruptcy.   As Dana over at Patterico’s site observes: It speaks...

Trump: America’s Gift to Totalitarianism [Updated]

Let’s all put on our Brutal Honesty caps for a moment, shall we — the ones with the Anti-Tribalism Ear Flaps, of course. Now, if we’ve all got our caps on snugly, let’s play the “Imagination Game” together, kids. Imagine if Jimmy Carter had canceled joint military drills with South Korea as an unsolicited goodwill gesture toward North Korea. Imagine if Bill Clinton...

Okay, now you can say you’ve seen everything

Here is the latest foreign policy statement from U.S. President Donald J. Trump: After some very important meetings, including my meeting with President Xi of China, I will be leaving Japan for South Korea (with President Moon). While there, if Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)! —...

Tyranny Unhinged (Updated)

Donald Trump, progressive demagogue extraordinaire, continues to follow through on his three-year-long effort to prove, to himself and to the world, that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue without losing a single supporter. Today, I see that Trump has not only reiterated his oft-stated buffoonish “confidence” that Kim Jong Un will “keep his promise” to Trump — though neither Trump nor...

Random Thoughts — with Pictures

Yesterday, there was a funny story about Muslim children at a school in Philadelphia — that would be the one in Pennsylvania, USA — singing a cute little song about crushing the infidels. Today comes the even funnier explanation of this charming video: it was merely an unfortunate oversight in the song vetting process. I can believe that. I can’t count how many...

You Know You’re a Failed Yes-man When…

Kim Jong Un, a fat baby who is cleverly playing up to the Infant President Donald Trump to string America along in his play for international legitimacy and permanent protection, has temporarily revived his tough guy negotiating position — probably a smart choice, given that this was the stance that scared Trump into making a million unrequited concessions to him in the first...