Category: Global Climate Hysteria
Headline: “Republicans lash out at claims that Trump intelligence pick Tulsi Gabbard is ‘compromised.’” The LA Times reports that “Republicans” (two of them, to be precise) are “lashing out” against a couple of Democrats, and in particular U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, who have described Donald Trump’s nominee for Director of National Intelligence as “compromised,” based on her long history of blatantly pro-Putin comments...
A few days ago, I returned to the issue of climate alarmism, using as my kick-off point the predictable public and media response to the recent unusually severe rainy season in Korea, where I live. As I noted then, it was all but impossible here, for a few wet weeks, to mention the rain in any context without being met immediately by a...
During the past several weeks, Korea has had an unusually long and severe rainy season, one of the worst I have experienced during my sixteen years in this country. Predictably, as with any weather event whatsoever, not to mention any mention of any weather event, the country is now awash in climate change doomsday prognostications. Say the word “rain” to anyone here today,...
The reason bureaucrats love to produce litanies of rules designed, in substance and in spirit, to reduce everyone to generic, interchangeable minions is obvious: Bureaucracy is the definitive realm of the generic, interchangeable minion, in whose work flexibility, contextual choice, and free-thinking are not merely discouraged but absolutely counterproductive. Is it any wonder that the denizens of such a mechanized realm succumb, in...
Leonardo DiCaprio, a fat globe-trotting baboon whose carbon footprint probably stands to yours or mine as the Earth stands to an anthill, claims that we have nine years to save the planet. John Kerry, a billionaire and fifty-year establishment pontificator who now looks like a wax figure of himself after ten minutes in a kiln, continues to assert that “We’re in trouble” —...
Roger Federer has won more Grand Slam tennis titles than any other man in history. He has spent more weeks as the number one ranked player in the world than anyone else, including 237 consecutive weeks at one stage (that’s four-and-a-half years, for the arithmetically challenged). By any standard, he merits the unqualified epithet “Champion.” Or rather, he did. Today, he is just...
Most Americans who voted for Trump, or are excited about doing so in 2020, think the Democrats’ impeachment process is a joke. Most Americans who did not vote for Trump, or are vehement about not doing so in 2020, think Trumpster objections to the methods and motives of the Democrats’ impeachment process are a joke. Both factions are right in their way. The...
Pope Francis, apparently envious of all the youth-baiting appeal of international Marxism’s prop du jour, teenage communist mouthpiece Greta Thunberg, is out there riding Greta’s coattails, declaring that the Catholic Church, of which he is ostensibly still a member, is actively considering changing the catechism to include “the sin against ecology,” or “ecological sin,” or — my favorite phrasing — “ecocide” as part...
Our new gods are of the only sort that remains possible when the longing for eternity, the desperate grasp after meaning, and the lifelong pursuit of truth, have been debunked and expunged from the modern soul. We are left with ephemeral idols, cardboard cutout heroes-for-the-season, blustering attention-seekers without a substantial purpose beyond their own egomaniacal lust for popularity and affection.
Greta Thunberg has carried her message of hope and change — by which of course I mean mass starvation and totalitarian oppression — to her spiritual North American homeland, the New World’s Sweden, Canada. While there, she served as the honorary mascot — Does this girl’s father even care whether she lives or dies beyond the day he finishes cashing in on her?...