Category: Communist Canada
The government of Canada has now officially established the precedent of treating citizens with grievances or dissenting views not as compatriots to be addressed with reason and understanding, but literally as enemy combatants to be publicly vilified, their frustrated group behavior smeared as a “siege” and an “occupation,” and their basic constitutional rights overridden by the government’s invoking of the most extreme wartime...
Ottawa police are punks and thugs, enforcing the demands of punks and thugs. Full disclosure: I grew up in that town, and never had a single unpleasant run-in with the police. But then, I never publicly objected to being tyrannically bullied by the federal government either. If I had, then I’m sure the Ottawa police would have treated me more or less as...
A lot of Canadian truckers from across the country, though it seems primarily from Western Canada — historically hated and belittled by those at the heart of downtown Trudeaupia — have “descended upon,” or rather rolled horizontally into, the nation’s capital, and subsequently fanned out to various other conspicuous locations, to announce their objection to certain Trudeau policies related to the Covid-19 pandemic,...
When Cyber Ninjas, the Trump-friendly group of something-or-others with no experience or knowledge related to the fields of election procedure and election audits, delayed the release of its Maricopa County audit results, citing one member’s illness, I assumed that this delay was an attempt to buy time as the group searched for a way to escape the Trump cult’s wrath over its findings....
In case you were wondering why I had not posted any kind of Canada Day observations in time for the big day, as per previous years, the answer is simple: I do not care. Canada Day does not really exist, because Canada no longer exists. I hold a passport for an imaginary geopolitical entity that is now nothing but an Orwellian update of...
In the current American climate, any white police officer knows perfectly well that if he harms a black person in any context other than a genuine life-or-death shootout, or is even perceived to have done so, his normal life, his family’s safety, probably his career, and certainly his future privacy and sense of self-determination, are over. In such a climate, and with such...
You never know what you have till it’s gone and I wanted to know what I had, so I got rid of everything. — Steven Wright, stand-up comedian.
I can think of no more psychologically incisive summary of this moment in the trajectory of modern civilization. Modernity, as that term relates to the philosophical and political premises of the last four centuries…
Doug Ford, the “conservative” premier of Canada’s most populous province, my native Ontario, has once again instituted a province-wide “stay-at-home order,” promising that those found in violation of his government’s strict but nebulous new rules on private behavior (i.e., living) and business activity (i.e., supporting oneself) — those whom Ford labels “bad actors” — will be punished. Will this ever end? I know...
With the rarest, almost non-existent exceptions, every so-called “conservative” radio host, television pundit, website publisher, or political writer in America — in short, the entire faction of the public political discussion that used to tout itself as the “alternative” or “conservative” media — has sacrificed all claims to conservative principle, or at least rational consistency, over the past four years. These people have...
Another classical liberal argument for protecting freedom of speech for Marxists, communists, and the like, which has been in and out of vogue since at least John Stuart Mill, is that the true and the good will always win in an open debate of ideas. There are a few problems with this famous assertion on its face. For one thing, in order to...