Category: 2016 US Election
Addressing the plea deal declaration by his longtime legal fixer, Michael Cohen, that the hush money payments he arranged for Trump’s random sex partners were made at Trump’s personal direction, Donald Trump has sent out his personal legal representative du jour, Rudy “I’ll-do-anything-to-stay-relevant” Giuliani, to call Cohen a liar, and claim, absurdly, that Cohen’s earlier statements covering for Trump, while he was Trump’s...
The next time anyone, friend or foe, tells me to lighten up on Trump and his cultists, accusing me of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” or of being a “NeverTrumper” — go ahead, I dare you to define either of those terms in real English without making a fool of yourself — I now know the simple, one-word reply with which I will gleefully spare...
As reported at the Daily Beast, a new book written by journalist Amy Chozick, who traveled with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, revisits an important, conveniently-forgotten theme of the 2016 U.S. presidential election: during the primaries, the Clintons and their media allies were all in for Trump. From early on, the Clinton camp saw Trump as an enemy to encourage, Chozick writes. During the campaign…...
Donald Trump’s White House has simply refused to impose sanctions voted for by veto-proof majorities of the House and Senate — sanctions, not surprisingly, against Russia. Sanctions related to the Putin regime’s active interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, among other thuggeries. Why doesn’t this even seem peculiar? Trump’s groupies are hell-bent on persuading themselves — we’re way past the stage when they...
Performance artist Rush Limbaugh went on a meandering rant against “NeverTrumpers” during his June 21st radio broadcast. As often happens when blabber-mouths get blabbering, however, his rant, which began as a pathetic defense of his Trump sycophantasizing during the GOP primaries, ended with Limbaugh hoist with his own petard, as he inadvertently but aptly labeled himself a chicken. Let’s begin with the audio. (Thank God for...
So here it is, folks. You knew it was coming. (If not, you probably would have stopped reading my writing and catalogued me among the establishment hack cuckservative beta males a long time ago.) The most obvious and implausible fraud in U.S. history has already begun to reap its full America-destroying harvest. The big rebel-outsider-burn-it-down-Make-America-Great-Again-groper-in-chief has now met with Al Gore to “discuss”...
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I hate to say “I told you so,” but…. Alright, enough of the false modesty. Let’s start again. AHEM! What was that I was saying eight months ago about Donald Trump being the Republican Party establishment’s perfect front man in this year of strong challenges to its power from the grassroots conservative movement? A totally unprincipled cipher ready to be...
Even after Donald Trump’s election victory made the whole “NeverTrump” debate irrelevant, Trump’s supporters, both establishment and (allegedly) anti-establishment, have taken to every forum available to them to decry, mock, and condemn the evil NeverTrumpers who supposedly missed the boat so badly on America’s great heroic man-of-the-people/savior. “The little whiny sniveling negative cowards who are Never Trumpers are beneath our paying attention to...
The American mainstream (aka Democrat) media is in a state of apoplexy over Donald Trump’s election. Many on the so-called right are reveling in the scene of helmet-haired talking heads tranforming into tin-foil-hat-wearing exploding heads before our eyes. “How could this have happened?” “How can America survive?” “What’s to become of us?” “Is it time to move abroad while we still can?” My problem...
On November 8th, the United States of America is staging (I choose that word carefully) a presidential election that will go down (and I also choose that word carefully) in history as the most terrifying, banal, hideous, and irrational exercise in the entire spotty narrative of Western democracy. The nation on whose fate largely rests that of the whole Earth at this moment–the nation with the most money,...