Tagged: Justin Trudeau

Further Reflections on Trudeau’s “Blackface Scandal”

Canada’s Prime Progressive Fop, Justin of the Trudeaus, has attempted to weaken the blow of the endless storm of repetitive photographic revelations bound to rain down on him now that the dam is burst, by admitting that he cannot say “definitively” how often he has worn black- or brownface in public.  Think about that: This man has dressed up in blackface makeup (and...

Trump: God’s Gift to the World’s Puny Men

One of the strange but predictable results of Donald Trump’s presidency is that in his ignorance he has found remarkably inventive ways to elevate and aggrandize some of the world’s most absurd and/or dangerous leaders. Leaving aside Vladimir Putin, Trump’s favorite bully, but a thug who was doing just fine without Trump’s help, the list of lousy men whose stock has risen under...

Why Donnie Hates Justin

Think of Donald Trump. I mean, to the extent this is still possible, think of him as he really was before his carefully-crafted grassroots populist makeover. Think of him from beyond the Fox News, Steve Bannon, Russia Today-fostered television image of the cult-friendly “alpha male outsider fighting for the little guy.” What do you see? Here is what I see: An overly coiffed,...

A New Anthem for Communist Canada, Finally!

Canadians, taken collectively, are not only the smuggest bunch of self-righteous dimwits ever to waste a beautiful piece of geography with their empty existence, but they also have the distinction of comprising the first and only semi-functioning democracy in world history which has made the overt rejection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness its defining essence and raison d’être. Canadians, again...

Random Thoughts From the Front

An article at RedState by Streiff, who knows his military stuff, but is perhaps just a little too “into” a potential U.S. war with North Korea for my taste, suggests that the U.S. and other countries are making plans to evacuate their nationals in South Korea in the event of war. That may be a bit alarmist, as every country with citizens in...

Canada Criminalizes Non-Progressive Thought

Do you think imposing so-called transgenderism on children as a sexual norm might be harmful to their moral development? Do you question the legitimacy of using made-up, so-called gender-neutral pronouns as replacements for the standard English words “he” and “she”? If you answered yes, or even maybe, to either of those questions, then, as of today, you are in violation of Canada’s Human...

Canada Goes Full Maoist

“Health Canada considers sweeping ban on junk food ads aimed at children and teens.” So reads the headline at CBC News. And with that matter-of-fact announcement — just a normal day’s political news in the true north weak and socialist — a nation quietly declares itself lost to freedom forever. D-Day memories of the brave Canadians at Juno Beach washed away in a...

Parting Shots for 2016

Happy New Year, Everyone! I like to say that to my friends, as we all do, because it is another way of wishing them well, which is always pleasant. To be honest, however, New Year’s Day as such is probably the least interesting of all the major festive days for me, just slightly below Hallowe’en. Yes, it’s time to restart the yearly time counting system, at least for those of us...

Where Are We Now?

For a few weeks, I have had very little to say about the world’s latest political news from my perch here in the dark wood. Perhaps this is healthy. I have been urging others for years to realize that the era of direct political action, which is to say of politics in the narrow sense, is over, at least for those who care about...

Castro’s Foppish Fans Fawn

And so it begins. Without missing a beat, Canada’s boy-king, the foppish progressive Justin Trudeau — son of foppish neo-Maoist Pierre Trudeau — has leapt into the abyss to praise his father’s dear friend, the butcher Fidel Castro. Trudeau, who is attending the Francophonie Summit in Madagascar, expressed his deep sorrow at learning of Castro’s passing. His statement offered condolences on behalf of all...