Tagged: Canada

Inauguration Day Musings

The Village People are performing at the U.S. president’s inauguration celebrations. Very appropriate. The Village People are a group of campy, unmasculine performers who have built a popular entertainment career that has extended long past its sell-by date by donning the costumes of various “real man” types — the hard hat, the police officer, and so on — and dancing around while laughably...

Reflections On Being In The World, Part Two

My country, wrong.— There are broadly two ways to criticize one’s own country. The first is to despise what it was and is, and desire its replacement with something else. The second is to despise what it has become — that is, what it has been replaced with — and lament the loss of what it was or ought to have been. I...

On the Death of Queen Elizabeth II

The one and only person whose existence held slightly ajar the door of legitimacy in anyone’s honest judgment of the relevance of the British monarchy in the twenty-first century has now died. Queen Elizabeth II allowed our imaginations to remain connected to the royal family’s meaningful past not only because she ascended to the throne back when that past was still somewhat alive,...

A Word That Should Never Be Used

Today I see that Wendy Mesley, a long-time CBC journalist, has been thrown down the memory hole, like so many these days, for committing one of the cardinal sins in the Marxist faith. Specifically, Mesley’s television program was “suspended” because, during a discussion of racial inequality, she “used a word that should never be used.”  That phrase, “used a word that should never...

Reflections on Election Day in Canada

Today, Canadians vote for a new federal government. Among the six major federal parties in this multi-party democracy, four are hardcore Marxist progressive factions (including the one that has Quebec’s separation from Canada as the heart of its platform and the only reason for its existence), one is a milquetoast “progressive conservative” party (yes, that really was this party’s old name, before they...

Canada: History’s Inadvertent Joke

Okay, some jokes, as comedy writers are wont to say, write themselves. Within the category of such jocular freebies, however, the People’s Populist Pothead Democratic Non-Republic of Canada may be the only nation-state that writes itself. Here’s a New Year’s Eve headline I just read on Yahoo Canada News: “It was a year Canada will never forget…” Now that’s funny, in a “country”...

Canadian Dope

As of October 17th, 2018, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government, fulfilling the Canadian-style vote bribe to beat all vote bribes, has “legalized” the sale and consumption of cannabis. In a country in the midst of a slow-boiling communist takeover, of course, “legalized” must be written and understood in scare quotes, because what it really means is that the government has decided to allow Canadians...

Trudeau Humiliates Self and Canada, Even By Trudeau and Canada Standards

No leader in the Western world is more closely allied with, or a more unabashed shill for, neo-Marxist identity politics, than Communist Canada’s Justin the Wonder-Fop. No leader in the Western world, moreover, is less intelligent or less self-aware than this same Mini-Trudeau. When identity politics and pop idol vanity meet in one prime minister, classic comedy is sure to ensue. Baby Trudeau...

Canada Demands Pro-Abortion Statement to Receive Government Services

The essential mechanism of democratic socialism, which Tocqueville explained perfectly with his warning about the threat of soft despotism, is the nanny state’s inviting web of progressive “help,” which gradually lulls well-meaning but compromised citizens into the immobility of moral paralysis, until they are ready to be devoured by a government with an endless appetite for human blood. Take the case of the...

A New Anthem for Communist Canada, Finally!

Canadians, taken collectively, are not only the smuggest bunch of self-righteous dimwits ever to waste a beautiful piece of geography with their empty existence, but they also have the distinction of comprising the first and only semi-functioning democracy in world history which has made the overt rejection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness its defining essence and raison d’ĂȘtre. Canadians, again...