Tagged: Trump

The Audacity of Dope, aka Trump vs. Trump

Boasting of his brilliant meeting with Vladimir Putin, whom he loves so much he can’t stand it, Donald J. Trump — entrepreneur, billionaire, dumbest man in any given room — blurted out a series of tweets, including this doozy: Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded.. — Donald...

Real Thug Trumps TV Tough Guy

So yesterday a wily former KGB agent got over two hours to have a crack at a simpleton who knows the nation’s most prized state secrets. What could go wrong? So begins a valuable article by Patterico at RedState assessing how badly Donald Trump got used by Vladimir Putin during their meeting at the G20. Citing the analysis of Stephen Hayes, the author emphasizes the absurdity of the...

Trump Saves Ford Jobs — for China

Here’s a great tidbit from The Right Scoop. The Ford plant that Trump and his Keystone Capitalists bravely prevented from making its own private business decision — er,  that is, from giving American jobs to Mexicans — has announced that those jobs will soon be moving to China. Brilliant example of Making Everyone Else Great Again, At Least By Comparison with the Most Incompetently Governed...

Cold Splash for Those Feeling Buyer’s Remorse on Trump

A good article by my great friend Steve McCann at American Thinker today spelling out the reality of Trump’s long-standing views — well, feelings, intuitions, biases, since Trump has no views, strictly speaking — on health care, and specifically the desirability of single payer health care, which is obviously the direction America is headed. McCann, one of the very few public commentators, along...

Trump’s GOP Boldly Renames ObamaCare!

My first blush reactions to the Republican Party’s newly unveiled “Repeal and Replace” solution on healthcare, presented in the order in which they occur to me: 1. Gee, what a shock — they were lying all these years! Who could have guessed? 2. Republicans who say, with mock resignation, “You can’t roll back an entitlement,” simply never tried to roll one back, wouldn’t...

When Anger Trumps All, Freedom Loses

(Originally Published in February 2016) One of the most dangerous effects of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is the venomous anger his demagoguery has cultivated among his more engaged supporters, to be spewed at anyone who dares to express concern about any of their idol’s (yes, idol’s) soft spots. Just click on any article, on any website, critical of anything about Trump, and navigate...

Can Trump Restore America?

(Originally published in January 2016) Aristotle teaches that while we must love our friends, we must love truth more. Today, I am probably going to lose some good friends, which is painful. Nevertheless, my admiration for everything America was, everything modern civilization was, compels me to bite the bullet. Donald Trump may win the Republican presidential nomination. He may even be elected President...

Trump vs. Free Speech

(Originally published in February 2016) One of the great dangers of Donald Trump’s candidacy is his casual willingness to exploit legitimate American frustration and anger and stir them into something ugly for his own benefit. But careless anger-baiting has consequences, one of which is that you risk turning your followers into an enemy-eating monster, greedy for your next attack on yet another victim,...

Three Simple Questions for Trump Supporters

(Originally published in February 2016) One summer’s evening, a skinny, not-particularly athletic boy, perhaps eleven years old, scored the most glorious touchdown of his life. This was not a real game. My friend and I, along with his older brother Phil, were just tossing a ball around in the park. But it was a memorable triumph because I scored my touchdown by outmaneuvering...

Donald Trump: Alpha Male or Mean Girl?

(Originally published in March 2016) As I have previously noted, one of the most common and most absurd defenses of Donald Trump is the claim that he is a so-called “alpha male.” Critics (this one included) have noted that he resembles a junior high school bully more than he does any dominant pack animal. Today, however, we can officially dismiss the alpha male...