Tagged: racism

Reflections on Current Non-Events

The Olympic Games are in Paris this summer, where men routinely urinate on the streets, so much so that the Macron government tried several years ago to reduce the grotesque effects of this Parisian crudity — the new language of love, I suppose — by installing “discreet” pee buckets disguised as planters throughout the city. Thus, people with the bladders of seven-year-olds and...

Race To The Bottom

The entire world is being taught today, from kindergarten through graduate school and throughout the popular media and the mainstream commentariat, that racism is specifically, endemically, and inescapably a white tendency; that is, a mental trait essentially characteristic of those who are born white….

Passing Remarks On Late Modernity

We are all supposed to defend the idea of democracy today as though our lives depended on it. In fact, anyone who fails to do so, or who dares to ask questions such as whether this democracy we are all bound to defend amounts to anything in practice but the blunt force of absolute majority rule, is condemned or ridiculed as an enemy...

Blinders of Convenience

The aggressive effort to reduce “Western” or “European” civilization to its alleged sins — racism, sexism, imperialism, systemic inequality, cultural appropriation, greed, and the rest of the neo-Marxist talking points — serves as a convenient diversion from the truth that these same sins, such as they are, may be found equally, though perhaps with regional variations, in all times and places. By hiding...

Thought Police Update

Len Goodman, a BBC personality of some sort, joked during a discussion of various foods related to the Queen’s jubilee that he had once been hesitant to try curry, which his grandmother used to refer to as “foreign muck,” although he has since become an enthusiastic curry eater. In response to this utterly innocuous comment — the sort of comment that could only be...

Systemic Oppression

Progressives believe, or say they believe, that the history of “Western civilization” is systemically racist, sexist, oligarchic, intolerant, and so on, not merely accidentally or on its margins, but as an essential element and raison d’être of its existence. In other words, these people believe — their political movement depends on the belief — that the entire philosophic, religious, scientific, artistic, and political...

America: What is left?

Making news.— A quick scan of the American “news headlines” today reveals that so many of them are just that: news headlines. That is, headlines about “the news,” which is to say nothing but trumpeting reiterations of this or that news outlet’s, or news reader’s, or news pundit’s, latest loaded interpretations, exaggerations, or fabrications of “the facts.” How many headlines today merely tell...

The Black Face of White Supremacy

I just read a headline from the LA Times declaring gleefully that — according to someone called Erika Smith — California Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder is “the black face of white supremacy.” Because nothing says journalistic integrity like accusing a well-known, highly educated black man of being a front man for the Ku Klux Klan.  Because nothing fights systemic racism more effectively...

January 6th Commission: The Publicity Stunt to Fit the Crime

Disclaimer: I have not watched — nor will I ever in my life watch — one minute of the Marxist Tribunal Hour that the U.S. Congress has dubbed the “January 6th Commission.” I have only seen mainstream media headlines and still photographs accompanying same. This assiduously disengaged perspective, I believe, puts me in the ideal position to judge the whole affair from, shall...

Two Thoughts on the Police (and One Glimmer of Life)

In the current American climate, any white police officer knows perfectly well that if he harms a black person in any context other than a genuine life-or-death shootout, or is even perceived to have done so, his normal life, his family’s safety, probably his career, and certainly his future privacy and sense of self-determination, are over. In such a climate, and with such...