Tagged: racism

Reflections On Where We Are Now

You never know what you have till it’s gone and I wanted to know what I had, so I got rid of everything. — Steven Wright, stand-up comedian.

I can think of no more psychologically incisive summary of this moment in the trajectory of modern civilization. Modernity, as that term relates to the philosophical and political premises of the last four centuries…

Tribalism Today

Republican senator Ron Johnson, apparently eager to demonstrate the extremes to which a human mind may be reduced by cult idolatry and tribal allegiance, told a radio interviewer this week that he was not frightened of the rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, because — wrap what is left of your rational mind around this one — “I knew those were...

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About America (But Were Afraid to Ask)

Things have become quite awkward today for Americans inclined to inquire freely into issues of moral and politico-economic propriety, or historical justice. Even asking the wrong question, apart from leaning toward any particular answer, can place one at risk of public “cancellation,” unemployment, or being lambasted by a late-night television comedian. As a public service of sorts, then, let us take a few...

“Racist Parts of America’s History”

On July 5th, a group of “protesters” toppled a large public statue of Christopher Columbus in Baltimore’s Little Italy. The statue broke into chunks as it hit the ground. The “protesters” threw the pieces into the harbor. And if Americans of Italian descent find this overtly violent expression of hatred for their heritage upsetting or threatening…well, Columbus was racist. Recently, a group of...

This Is What They Do (Part One)

Over the past week, there have been a few interesting developments in the People’s Republic of America. California has begun the process of renaming public schools named after Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, arguably the two most revered and celebrated founding fathers, because it has been determined, upon reassessment, that the author of the Declaration of Independence and the man who led the...

American Coast Falls Away

A news article (aka propaganda screed) from Associated Press reports (i.e., carefully frames so as to avoid the real heart of the story) that California’s public school superintendent, Tony Thurmond, has praised and endorsed a decision by the Berkeley Unified School District to rename schools named for “Confederate leaders or other racially charged figures” whose names on the schools “exacerbate feelings of racial...

Quick Takes: Discrimination and Caring

Senator Tim Kaine (Communist-Va.) claims that President Trump’s moronic tweets urging four lightweight socialist activist congresswomen to go back where they came from “violated federal anti-discrimination law.”  Maybe he’s right. If so, then the United States is already a full-out tyranny, and you can stop the electoral dog-and-pony show right now, and proceed straight to the secret police and gulags. There should not...

Is Trump a Racist?

I have answered this essay’s title question before — I said Trump is not a racist — but the latest brouhaha he has caused with his “go back to where you came from” tweets seems to warrant a revisiting of the issue. Today, I received an e-mail from a long-time reader, asking a question I have seen a lot over the past twenty-four...

My take on Trump’s thought-provoking “Go back where you came from” reflections

Donald Trump is an idiot. We all know that, when we are not lying to ourselves. He is also a vain, megalomaniacal blowhard. We all know that, too. Furthermore, he will do or say absolutely anything that he perceives as being to his advantage at this millisecond — where “his advantage,” given that he is an idiot and a vain, megalomaniacal blowhard, typically...

Okay, I Guess This is What Racism Looks Like

I am one of those anti-political correctness types who eschew the easy road of accusing people of “racism” every time they say something harsh or hyperbolic about anyone who happens not to share the same skin color, or even about a racial group as such. For one thing, I despise the way such -isms always end up being used as smears to destroy...