Tagged: Progressivism

New Ontario Government Cruelly Cancels Communist Program

Ontario’s newly-elected Progressive Conservative government has killed compassion and caring in Canada forever, by cancelling a “guaranteed basic income” pilot project initiated by the now-defunct Liberal Party politburo of Kathleen Wynne. The purpose of the program, of course, was to increase the degree of government dependency among a population already owned by Big Mother, cradle to grave, physically and psychologically. This program was...

Of Down Syndrome, Death, and Deer

A few days ago, an editor at the Washington Post contributed an op-ed explaining that although she has never had to face the decision herself, were test results to reveal that her fetus had Down syndrome, she would certainly abort it. After all, she “reasoned,” this would not be the baby she wanted. Progressives everywhere proclaimed this writer’s merciless self-absorption “brave.” This is...

On Restoring American Individualism

The following, originally published at American Thinker in 2012, was my attempt to offer a synoptic account of the intellectual grounding of modern constitutional republicanism — i.e., political freedom — and of how that grounding is undermined by progressivism. This essay is assigned annually in a required discussion course taught at University of Missouri, where I suppose it has made hundreds of young...

World Progress Report, or Why Is There Still Socialism?

Well, my calendar says it’s 2018, but anyone taking a quick glance at today’s world scene and its sorry cast of characters could be forgiven for imagining it was 1918. After all, we humans pride ourselves on learning from our mistakes, and surely no era would be more inclined to indulge in this pride than one that calls itself “progressive.” And yet… One...

Time Flies When You’re Torching Synagogues

Prefatory Warnings: If you think “Jew” means “Israel,” you are confusing humanity with geopolitics. If you think everything Israel does is pure and good, you are no longer thinking rationally. If you think everything Israel does is purely evil, you are projecting. If you think global Islamism is a false flag threat (created by The Joos, you see), you are a kook on...

Feminists on the Injustice of Pregnancy

Korea’s recently-elected progressive government has announced plans to begin “research” on the country’s restrictive abortion laws, which, of course, is another way of saying they are going to get the ball rolling on legalizing abortion. This initiative is merely an effort to bring the letter of the law into sync with the spirit of national decay, since many thousands of illegal abortions are...

Why Do I Keep Calling Them “Progressives”?

As expected, my recent American Thinker article, “The Progressive Psychology of Exploiting a Crisis,” garnered many harrumphs from readers insisting that I stop using that danged lyin’ word, “progressive,” when the people I’m referring to are actually “regressives,” communists, or socialists who don’t promote progress at all! Sorry, but I’m sticking to my guns here — and here’s why. “Progressive” is not just...

The Progressive Psychology of Exploiting a Crisis

[The following article, which originally appeared at American Thinker, is an extended rumination developed out of my short take, posted earlier here in Limbo, regarding the American Left’s response to the Las Vegas mass shooting.] Within hours of a man carrying out a horrifyingly successful mass shooting in Las Vegas, in which the death toll as of this writing is almost sixty, Democrats...

What the Charlie Gard Case Was NEVER About

In civilization’s ongoing battle against the advance of progressive authoritarianism, the story of Charlie Gard — may he rest in peace — is an object lesson in the danger of unclear principles, and the value of clear ones. The defenders of the despotism of socialized medicine have a vested interest in trying to persuade you that the Charlie Gard case is at its...

RIP, Charlie Gard, and thank you

Unfortunately, Charlie Gard has died. Normally, we lament the loss of a baby by saying things like, “It’s so unfair that he never had the chance to accomplish anything or live a meaningful human life.” Not so in this case. For while Charlie was obviously deprived of the opportunity to fully experience life — and I mean deprived by his illness, not just...