Tagged: Iran

Time Isn’t Money, and Other Facts

I see a headline informing me that Donald Trump is giving a speech to Congress this evening (U.S. time), which I am told I can watch “live.” I am not even remotely tempted. First of all, I have a habit of not listening to Vladimir Putin’s official spokesmen, regardless of which language they happen to be butchering. Second, if you have endlessly mounting...

Try New “McCain Frozen Brains”!

A few days ago, I wrote about the fever pitch of moral equivalency illogic spewing from the New York Times and their useful tool, Justin Trudeau, as they sought to place at least half the blame for the Iranian government’s murder of 176 airline travelers at the feet of Donald Trump, on the grounds that his “escalation” of tensions somehow caused Iran to...

Iran for Progressive Dummies

The world’s progressive political establishment and its media torch-bearers have spent so many years lying and obfuscating on behalf of tyranny, in the name of defending anything that might be seen as useful in their definitive and never-ending war against individual liberty, that they have apparently obscured the truth even from themselves. Thus, they are now, fittingly, subject to what Socrates, in the...

More Marvels of Moral Equivalency; plus One Honest Man

Wonders never cease, if by wonders we mean spectacles of moral and intellectual vapidity presented by Canadian men named Trudeau. The Iranian Islamic despotism shot down a passenger jet full of innocent people, dozens of them Canadians of Iranian descent. The Islamic despots are denying that they shot down the jet, although the rest of the world (excepting the usual global apologists for...

Recalling the days before tyranny was a conservative position

I merely wish to draw the reader’s attention to Mike Lee’s comments upon leaving the Trump administration’s briefing on the military action against Iran. To insert only the simplest preface, I will say only that Lee, in his typically staccato, rapid-fire way, issues a straightforward reminder of what republican (small-r) government looked like before the Republican (big-R) Party, along with their millions of...

Clash of the Doomsday Cults

For those of us still clinging to some semblance of rational humanity, few things could be more disturbing — or, at least from my perspective in Limbo, more predictable — than the prospect of the world being caught up in a domino chain of competing doomsday cults.  That is where we appear to be headed as I write, with the cult of Donald...

You can’t keep a good demagogue down!

Just twelve hours ago, I was saying “Let’s see Trump top this!” regarding Kim Jong Un’s fantabulous propaganda coup of riding a white horse around a snowy mountain landscape. Trump wouldn’t even have the guts to try to compete with such a beautiful bit of agitprop from his dear friend Jong Un. “He likes me,” Trump even mewed pathetically when reporters asked him...

The Reports of Terrible Trump Polls Obviously True

Last week, someone leaked internal White House polling that showed Trump in trouble against the Democrats in many contested states, including some that he won in 2016. Trump first claimed there were no such polls — in other words, he lied — and then the GOP circled the wagons and declared that they had some “new” internal polling that showed him doing very...

This Week’s Cliffhanger

“Trump is our dream come true,” thought the paranoid conspiracy theory populists, “because he will put an end to all these overseas military engagements and expose the globalist military-industrial complex.” “Trump is our dream come true,” thought the pragmatic neo-conservative World-War-III-mongers, “because in his ineptitude and ignorance, he will beg us for advice at just those moments when we are most eager to...

America: Global Tyranny’s Best Friend

North Korea is executing men because Donald Trump said no to a deal that should never have been on the table in the first place; meanwhile, Trump fluffs his feathers and squawks about his great friendship with the beloved murderer, whom he trusts, Kim Jong Un. Trump has thus occasioned executions merely for his vanity, for his cowardice, for his foolish and failed...