Tagged: illegal immigration
The Democratic Party desires amnesty for illegal immigrants, leading to citizenship, because they wish to unbalance the southern states in favor of socialist-raised, low-education drones who can be herded into buses to vote for government handouts, i.e., socialism. The Republican Party, owned by the Chamber of Commerce, desires amnesty because they want cheap, low-skilled labor, and regard electoral demographics as beneath them. In...
Those watching Trump’s sudden and complete cave to the Democrats on amnesty for illegal immigrants might be wondering if this indicates that Trump is a somewhat less brilliant negotiator than his admirers claim. Not necessarily — for the quality of a negotiator’s maneuvers is determined not by what you thought he was aiming at, but by what he was really aiming at. First,...
Donald Trump, who built an entire campaign and personal cult out of (sort of) promising to build a thirty-foot-high border wall that Mexico would (sort of) pay for, while in the process (sort of) sending illegal immigrants out of the country, is now sounding a little softer on immigration than “Little Marco.” A few days ago, an official Trump spokesman was out on...
Trump is committed to an immigration “bill of love” for the Dreamers, which is supposedly also going to include funding for his infamous wall. And what does this “deal” teach us? That Trump is not using DACA to get the wall. He is using the wall to get DACA. He has been all along. His tough guy anti-immigrant ruse during the primaries was...