Tagged: gun control

No One Left to Lie To

I borrow the title of this post from Christopher Hitchens’ book about Bill Clinton, which seems fitting, since, as I have argued more than once, Donald Trump — this era’s universal liar — has borrowed the governing style of the best president of his lifetime (according to him): Say whatever suits today’s audience, and play Confuse-a-Cat by stealing popular issues from your opponents....

Why Principles Matter in a Leader (Gun Confiscation Edition)

Okay, this may sound like baby talk for most of you, but in the current political climate the most obvious musings are often considered radical, subversive, even cuckservative. So at the risk of insulting the intelligence of this website’s typical readers — while simultaneously challenging the intelligence of the typical readers at your more popular “conservative websites” — let me observe, simplistically, that...

Shifting the Burden of Proof on the Right to Bear Arms (Updated)

For decades, American progressives of both the “left” and “right” have insisted that those who cite the Second Amendment as their defense against “common sense gun control” must provide impenetrable arguments against such measures as universal background checks, the banning of so-called assault rifles, and restrictions on carrying a concealed weapon. The right to bear arms, they say, surely does not entail unlimited...

The Case For Unchecked Tyranny

Jerry Adler of Yahoo News and the Huffington Post — two dutiful servants of the Communist Party USA’s subsidiary, the Democratic Party — grudgingly accepts that he, like all Americans, has the right to own a gun for sport and (though he personally finds this icky) self-defense against criminals. But he cannot abide the suggestion that he has the right to defend himself...

The Media’s Exploitation of Damaged Teenagers

Apropos my recent observations about the propaganda racket passing itself off as the “news media,” many people today, including conservatives who disagree with the anti-gun, anti-NRA position of some of the Parkland School survivors, insist that these “children” must nevertheless be heard, since after all, “it’s news.” What is? The fact that students traumatized by witnessing terrifying violence are “outraged” and demanding that...

Guns and the Mental Illness Slippery Slope

Once again, we are seeing the danger of Americans having placed the power of the presidency in the hands of a man without any guiding moral or political philosophy beyond “What will make them love me?” According to Right Scoop, Trump is apparently now open to banning the sale of firearms to people with a “mental illness.” Mental illness is a category that,...

School Shootings, Gun Control, and Trump

Here are a few distinct but interrelated observations about the current progressive exploitation of a school shooting as an opportunity to push for gun regulations in defiance of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment: Conservatives interested in preserving the right to bear arms must do better than their current practice of repeating stale, highly questionable talking points that leave them looking like apologists for...

The Progressive Psychology of Exploiting a Crisis

[The following article, which originally appeared at American Thinker, is an extended rumination developed out of my short take, posted earlier here in Limbo, regarding the American Left’s response to the Las Vegas mass shooting.] Within hours of a man carrying out a horrifyingly successful mass shooting in Las Vegas, in which the death toll as of this writing is almost sixty, Democrats...

Suffering? You need gun control!

Within hours of a man carrying out a horrifyingly successful mass shooting in Las Vegas, in which the death toll as of this writing is almost sixty, Democrats are out in public demanding gun control legislation. Never wishing to appear to their neo-communist handlers as weaklings inclined to put humanity before politics, or willing to preempt the revolution out of respect for human...