Category: Socialized Medicine

The Totalitarian Ratchet Turns

By a charming coincidence, socialized medicine is claiming a famous victim at the very moment that its grip on the West’s last outpost of liberty is tightening. Together, the British government’s success in running out the clock on Charlie Gard and the U.S. Senate’s apparent progress toward paving the road to single-payer healthcare in America have symbolic value. For years, we have spoken...

Canadian Gives Lesson on “Genuine Caring” for the Progressive Age

Anyone inclined to ask why I often speak so disdainfully of my fellow Canadians, or why I’ve increasingly expressed disgust at the thought of returning to my homeland at the end of my Korean working life, need look no further than a column by popular British-Canadian commentator Michael Coren in The Toronto Star, opining about the Charlie Gard case. Coren offers a staggering compendium...

Tyranny Bares Its Teeth (to defend babies, of course)

What can be more shamelessly, terrifyingly brutal than the righteous, benign mask of progressivism? After humiliating themselves before the universe as the tyrants that they are, the commissars at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital, unwilling to admit that stealing babies from their parents in order to murder them is unethical, have doubled down on their moral turpitude. Still unwilling to “allow” Charlie Gard’s...

Charlie Gard’s Mother Permitted to Join Her Betters

After yet another time-and-energy-wasting legal fight, a judge has granted Connie Yates permission to attend a meeting between doctors at Great Ormond Street Hospital and American specialist Michio Hirano, at which her son’s fate will be discussed. The hospital had argued against parental representation, on the grounds that the doctors would not be able to “speak freely” about Charlie Gard’s condition and prospects...

Breaking: Baby Killers “Reconsider” Charlie Gard Murder

Breaking News on Right Scoop: “Hospital RECONSIDERS Decision on Charlie Gard.” The Great Ormond Street Death Camp, where the sick child has been held hostage for months while his parents fought in futility against the Euro-Socialist High Command to be permitted (permitted!) to try to save their son’s life, has “applied for a fresh hearing” based on “fresh evidence.” Further, they announce that “we believe, in...

Theresa May and the Crocodile Tears of Baby Killers

British Prime Minister Theresa May, who identifies as a woman, perfectly illustrates Oscar Wilde’s aphorism that a woman who cannot make her mistakes charming is only a female. In this case, her mistake is being in favor of killing sick babies when her government’s health care apparatus decides they are not worth trying to save.  Far from finding a way to make infanticide charming,...

Parents vs. Paternalists: The Charlie Gard Case

Many important questions are raised by the case of ten-month-old Briton Charlie Gard, sentenced to death against the wishes of his parents who had raised money for a desperate last hope of life-saving treatment in America. For months, those parents fought a losing battle, all the way to the European Court of Human Rights, to invoke the human tradition of parental authority against...

Addendum to “The True Meaning of Socialized Medicine”

“The True Meaning of Socialized Medicine” has received a lot of attention, and garnered some very thoughtful and interesting comments from readers. One aspect of the article that has perhaps received less notice than I had hoped, however — the gist of the piece, for me — is the relationship between government-run health care and a fundamental principle of classical liberalism, self-ownership. This...

The True Meaning of Socialized Medicine

(Spoiler Alert: If you find slavery or infanticide disturbing, you may be too squeamish to read further.) A perfect crystallization of the full heart and soul of socialized or “single payer” health care is on display in the story of Charlie Gard, a ten-month-old infant with a life-threatening genetic condition, and his parents, Chris and Connie, whose desperate efforts to save their child have been...

Healthcare and the Progressive Mind

A progressive, by which I mean a self-important control freak with despotic tendencies, reveals his character less in specific policy positions than in his general attitude about human problems and the opportunities arising from them. Specifically, the progressive, who cares about human hardship and suffering only insofar as these may be exploited to further his paternalistic aims, has an indefatigable instinct for creating...