Tagged: Totalitarianism

Battles and Wars

Reply to a dear friend.— The battle is lost, I’m afraid. But every war has lost battles, and it is narrowminded to succumb to despair over one loss, however severe it may seem to us in the moment. The war is much longer than we can conceive from our most immediate, self-interested perspectives — which is why we easily mistake a lost battle...

The Worst Event That America Will Face

A few days ago, White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci’s priggish schoolmarm understudy, went out of her way to establish for all who ever doubted it that she is (a) a hyperbolic alarmist worthy of the nether regions of the Trump campaign’s legal team, (b) quite ignorant and narrowminded, and (c) a leading candidate for Upper Class Twit of the...

Dr. Fauci Goes Full Totalitarian

Anthony Fauci, a very old man who is presumably going to meet his maker fairly soon, has decided to play out his last hand as a full-on advocate of totalitarian paternalism, calling for a national mask mandate to combat a pandemic that he knows perfectly well is nothing close to the level of dire societal threat that would warrant even the consideration of...

Trump as Dog Whistle for Sweden

A virus that has proved quite inconsiderate of lockdowns and social distancing continues to be used as an excuse for tyrannical impositions of arbitrary state authority over absolutely every aspect of ordinary human life and interaction. A virus from China that has proved far less dire and deadly than the Western media had hoped and prayed and propagandized continues to be cited as...

Joke of the Day

The New York Times, the International Communist Party’s newspaper of record, currently features an article claiming vindication for Sweden’s choice not to reduce its entire population to frightened slaves in response to a pesky quasi-flu virus. They do not quite phrase the issue that way, of course, but the NYT is indeed running a story about Sweden’s apparent success in getting the Pandemic...

The Bubble Test

What post-Soviet progressives have gradually learned, and what anti-totalitarian observers from Tocqueville to Huxley understood long before them, is that oppression maintained with hard walls will be short-lived. For hard walls, precisely because they are so overtly rigid, are vulnerable. Men locked within those walls naturally convulse at restraint so bluntly asserted. They will not produce, thus gradually rotting the oppressive power structure...

The Testament of Dr. Fauci

Dr. Fauci, America’s Comforting Grandfather of Doom, says, “We need to hunker down and get through this fall and winter, because it’s not going to be easy.”  “Hunker down” is a polite way of saying “Ruin what’s left of grandma’s life with forced isolation, provoke thousands of suicides among the lonely and desperate, destroy the life savings and career aspirations of tens of...

Signing the Confession

Perhaps the most prominent of this week’s batch of progressive public executions in America is that of Cincinnati Reds’ broadcaster Thom Brennaman, essentially for the crime of using jock language to say a jock type of thing, while not realizing his voice was still on air.  Here is an account of the crime from the New York Daily News: On Thursday, Fox Sports...

Random Socially Distanced Thoughts

Perhaps it’s the Roman Catholic in me, but for whatever reason I am occasionally gripped by an inchoate need for purification through speech, a sort of confessional moment if you will, in which I divest myself of a few wayward thoughts in order to regain my equilibrium. This is one such occasion. Bear with me. Better yet, given that, if you are reading...

The Totalitarian Tipping Point

I am sometimes accused of exaggerating the threats to modern civilization, or of engaging in hyperbole in discussing today’s political trends. I am certainly not one inclined to feel self-deludedly sanguine about the current state of things, or blind to rising evils and dangerous follies. I note this merely to preface an anecdote that demonstrates the extent to which we are all, even...