Tagged: populism

Three Reflections on What People Need to Believe [Updated With Trumpiness!]

You can make absolutely any factual claim you wish, supported with the boldest and most unflinching evidentiary assurances to back it up, by merely promising that this overwhelming supporting evidence will be made public very soon. How about not making any factual claim at all unless you are prepared to present the evidence at the same time you make the claim? But no,...

Necessary Conditions for A Just Revolution

One of the great falsehoods of late modernity is that our political structures are so ingeniously self-renewing and self-correcting that the days of the just revolution are over. This position is not only untrue, but likely an indication of devious motives on the part of those who maintain and seek to perpetuate it. For political leaders to say, as President Biden and others...

U.S. Midterm Election Day, and Other Irrelevancies

Over the next forty-eight hours, the United States Federal Government is either going to become substantially dumber and more unhinged from reality, or substantially more Marxist and inclined towards the coercive silencing of all alternative thoughts or ways of living. In either case, however, the U.S. is about to become more overtly authoritarian (which is saying quite a lot given the recent trajectory),...

U.S. Midterms a Referendum on Saving Putin

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a fascist dimwit of the first rank, essentially the Republican Party’s direct answer to communist harpy Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, announces at a campaign rally that “the only border [Democrats] care about is Ukraine, not America’s southern border. Under Republicans, not another penny will go to Ukraine. Our country comes first.” By falsely framing the border issue as “southern border versus...

A Small Torrent

There is a sense of everything closing in or coming to a head. It is palpable. But this sense does not answer to simplistic and tribally convenient conspiracy theories. It belongs to the more complex realm of historical inevitabilities….

Left and Right Today

The problem is not that “the left” is winning, or even, for that matter, that “the right” is winning. The problem is that left and right today are mere euphemisms for various iterations of radical populism, while populism itself is merely a euphemism for something else, something one is no longer permitted to say in polite company without being scoffed at for alarmism...

America Last

We are currently witnessing the unilateral, completely unprovoked surrender of the United States before every significant world dictator, terrorist organization, and angrily pointed finger. (They sometimes call it “withdrawal” and send out their representatives to say stunningly conscienceless things like, “I think Kabul will hold. The question is, can it hold long enough to create a political solution between the sides?”) And the...