Tagged: Marxism

California Commie Solicits Illegal Campaign Contributions (From Me)

Today, my e-mail inbox was graced by a message from the campaign headquarters of one Scott McVarish, a lawyer announcing his bid for a congressional seat in California district CA-25, and asking for my contribution to his campaign fund, although I am a non-U.S. citizen living in Korea. Like any responsible potential violator of U.S. Federal campaign finance laws, I took a moment...

Female Marxism, Part I: The War Against the Feminine

Progressivism, particularly in its neo-Marxist form, is as rife with self-contradiction as any big lie can be. Orwell captured this inherent self-contradiction well, albeit somewhat superficially, in Animal Farm (“Some animals are more equal than others”) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (e.g., Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Love, etc.). By “superficially,” I mean that Orwell defined the overt hypocrisy of Marxist revolutionaries well at the...

Socialist Sanders Plays Moral Judge

Bernie Sanders is calling on President Trump to “think about resigning,” citing past allegations of sexual misconduct against him, along with his infamous Access Hollywood vulgarity. Anyone familiar with my writing knows I am not a Trump defender, but for the media to trumpet Sanders, of all people, as a moral judge — of Donald Trump or anyone else — indicates the measure...

Redshift: How Obama’s Marxist Transformation of America Succeeded

Redshift is the astronomical phenomenon in which light-emitting objects moving away from us at speed appear red, because their receding motion lengthens the light waves reaching our eyes, which constitutes a “shift” toward the low frequency end of the color spectrum — the red end of the rainbow, if you will. For eight years, American conservatives struggled to understand why their warnings about the existential...

Obama, the Pope, and the Faithful

The recent controversy stirred by Pope Francis’ criticism of the free market has had one beneficial side effect: it indirectly demonstrates the extent to which Barack Obama’s American apologists have more in common with a faithful flock than with independent, free citizens. As I am all too aware that this topic is a minefield, both among the Pope’s Catholic defenders and among supporters...