Tagged: Joe Biden

Jot Notes from Underground

If you want a perfect synopsis of our political reality today, and where we are headed, read Brave New World. If you want to grasp the psychological weakness that precipitated the fall of modern civilization, read King Lear. If you want to know the mind of the bureaucratic expert class that is manipulating mass opinion and electoral politics in the name of advancing...

America: More Fool You

I have often said, of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, that the extent to which the Washington establishment now owns the souls of the American people may be measured by the fact that the supposed “two-party system” presented a choice between arguably the two worst human beings in the entire country, and almost every voter — a hundred and twenty-eight million adults —...

Biden Surge! Last-Chance Liz!

To the shock of absolutely no one who has ever watched a United States primary season unfold, there is a new poll, released in the last moments before Super Tuesday, showing that Joe Biden, who seems to have no idea where he is or to whom he is speaking at any given moment, and has no clear positions on anything, other than that...

2020 shaping up — as 2016!

Bernie Sanders has had a heart attack. If this is anything more than the sort of blip on a heart scan that doctors notice two months later, there is little question that his presidential campaign is done. In fact, under these circumstances, I think it would say a lot about his immoderate lust for power if he even considered staying in the race...

Impeachable You

The Democrats in the House of Representatives are initiating an inquiry into impeaching President Trump. In practice, this means they are promising to plan to look into whether or not it would be worthwhile to move forward with the process of preparing actual articles of impeachment against Trump upon which they might eventually vote. This is Nancy Pelosi’s too-clever-by-half way of smoothing over...

NeverTrumpers for Biden, AlwaysTrumpers for Trump

The Republican tribal media and their sheep were pretending to be up in arms this past week over reports that some so-called “NeverTrumpers” were floating the idea of supporting Joe Biden, whom they perceive as the most moderate or least volatile of the Democratic presidential candidates, as a means of thwarting a second Trump term. The tribe’s leaders and followers were (of course)...

Democratic Debate: Bobbing for Communists

As usual, I will preface the following comments about the latest Democratic presidential debate by saying, “Please! Do you seriously think I would watch two minutes of a Democratic presidential debate?” Two minutes, no. But one minute and twenty-three seconds, on the promise of seeing a young punk mock an old man’s memory loss on national television merely to score cheap political points?...

Tyranny Unhinged (Updated)

Donald Trump, progressive demagogue extraordinaire, continues to follow through on his three-year-long effort to prove, to himself and to the world, that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue without losing a single supporter. Today, I see that Trump has not only reiterated his oft-stated buffoonish “confidence” that Kim Jong Un will “keep his promise” to Trump — though neither Trump nor...

Joe Biden Time!

Everyone knows that the reason Donald Trump is President of the United States today — leaving aside the obvious Russian propaganda campaign on his behalf (oh, lighten up, folks, you all knew it before it became out of bounds to mention it anymore) — is that Hillary Clinton is such an unlikeable hag that even her ideological allies, even the radical feminists, even...

Weekend Reflections: Democrats are Fun!

Remember when Hillary Clinton faked a Southern Baptist preacher intonation and accent when she was speaking to southern black audiences? Remember, for that matter, when Barack Obama, a Hawaiian-born and -raised mulatto with a Kenyan father, educated in the privileged upper echelons of “white America,” put on that same intonation when he spoke to black audiences? (I know, of course, that these days...