Tagged: Joe Biden

Disasters All Around

According to a headline from The Hill, “Biden slams Trump for calling Fauci a ‘disaster.’” On its face, Biden’s “slam” seems fair. After all, who is the bigger disaster, the government apparatchik who has spent the past eight months on a personal glory tour, deliberately stoking mass panic and actively promoting tangible tyranny for the sake of aggrandizing his own little ego, or...

Joke of the Day (Manly Version)

The Washington Post, in perhaps the funniest framing of an election in the history of journalism, presents an analysis of the Trump-Biden presidential race as a clash of two visions of masculinity. I know, I know, and I apologize if you happened to read that sentence with your mouth full. First, in full (and admittedly fair) mockery mode, the Post, a global communist...

Missing Person’s Report

It has been a few days since I posted anything here in Limbo, and I suspect a few of you have even noticed this absence, and perhaps begun to wonder, as we have all been trained to wonder over these past several months, “Could it be the coronavirus?” As a matter of fact, the answer is yes. To be precise, I have been...

Tomorrow’s Headlines (Loosely Based on Today’s)

Below, I provide an advance sampling of the mainstream news headlines you will be seeing over the next couple of days. I have deliberately omitted the opinion essays, which of course express bias by definition, in favor of limiting my survey to the unbiased, objective news reportage from the major sources. I hope this helps you sort out your reading priorities during this...

Clash of the Titans

The citizens of the world — nay, the universe — are waiting with breathless anticipation (i.e., they are already dead) for the first titanic reality TV battle between Donald “The Dullard” Trump and Joe “Jughead” Biden. For those of you, however, who, like this author, no longer count yourselves among the citizens of the universe, I provide the following premonitory review of the...

Trump’s Taxes

Well, they got Al Capone for tax evasion, so why not Donald Trump? I guess that’s the reasoning, or what passes for reasoning, over at Democratic Party headquarters, aka The New York Times.  Some random thoughts on this absurd topic: This is the big revelation that the progressive left has been teasing for years, trotted out now just in time for the election:...

If I Were an American Progressive…

If I were an American progressive, I would be angry as hell at the Democratic Party’s decision to do to my movement — the party’s true grassroots — what the Republicans have done for decades to constitutional conservatives, namely tell us to cool our heels at the back of the bus and not make too much noise during an election campaign. If I...

More Social Distancing, Please

Defying all the skeptics who thought Joe Biden had actually forgotten to choose a running mate, he has brilliantly chosen the woman who stood on a primary debate stage and implied he was a racist old white man who tried to protect segregation. No surprise there, of course. Biden had to choose a black woman, because those are the rules today; and every...

Biden’s VP Pick

In this year of revolutionary activism, the DNC’s predictable decision to prop up Joe Biden as the party’s presidential nominee placed Biden’s handlers (a term more apt and all-encompassing in Biden’s case than is typical among presidential candidates) in the emasculating position of having to effectively promise a vice-presidential pick who would satisfy the morally infantile tonalities of this American progressive moment, specifically...