Tagged: Freedom Caucus

Update on the House Unfreedom Caucus

I have written several times over the past, oh, let’s say four years (hmm…) about the sudden and complete shift of the U.S. House Freedom Caucus into an anti-American, anti-Constitution, corporate GOP appendage, the unfreedom caucus. When they essentially forced their only principled member, Justin Amash, out of the group (and the Republican Party) for his refusal to reject every single pro-liberty position...

America’s Freedom (from liberty) Caucus

Representative Justin Amash of Michigan, after reading the Mueller report, has decided that Donald Trump committed impeachable offenses, although his argument seems to be based on the premise that impeachability is kind of a nebulous thing, rather than suggestive of any specific offense.  In response to Amash’s peculiar stand, the Republican Party’s “Freedom Caucus,” which Amash helped to form, has voted to “condemn”...

“Freedom Caucus” Forfeits Its Civil Assets For Lord Trump

During the 2016 Republican primaries, a majority of that little U.S. congressional club calling itself the “Freedom Caucus” tried to hold the line for liberty — their self-assigned mandate, after all — against the ravaging populist lunacy of the Trump cult. Needless to say, like almost all other Republicans who used to pretend to constitutionalist principles, the FC has gone full “pod people”...

Last Man Standing Sits Down

It’s official: there is no one left in the United States federal government with an ounce of integrity. No minority faction prepared to stand on principle, come what may. No “happy few” who can claim, without reeking of hypocrisy, any allegiance to the Constitution above career and party. The House Freedom Caucus now supports the path to socialized medicine. Okay, that may be slightly hyperbolic, as we do...

Dr. McConnell and Mr. Trump Part III: The Reaping

Donald Trump, with Paul Ryan’s help, failed in his predictable attempt to hoodwink American conservatives with a “Repeal and Replace” healthcare solution that would neither repeal nor replace anything essential to the premise of government-run healthcare. (“Predictable”? you scoff. Yes, I predicted it repeatedly in print for a year.) Since the implosion of this none-too-clever fraud, Trump and his surrogates have been hard at work (Twitter feels like...

Shocker! Trump Blames Freedom Caucus for His Massive Incompetence

Well, if you’re a regular reader here, you already know that the above headline was written with tongue firmly in cheek. If there is anything in the world less shocking than the sun rising in the east today, it is that every time Donald Trump’s incompetence and lack of seriousness are exposed (i.e., about twice a day), he will do and say — okay, just “say,” as he...