Tagged: Elizabeth Warren

Biden Surge! Last-Chance Liz!

To the shock of absolutely no one who has ever watched a United States primary season unfold, there is a new poll, released in the last moments before Super Tuesday, showing that Joe Biden, who seems to have no idea where he is or to whom he is speaking at any given moment, and has no clear positions on anything, other than that...

The State of the Union

On Tuesday, February 4th, President Donald Trump will enter the United States Congress to deliver the completely superfluous tribal posturing ritual known as a “state of the union address.” Upon his entry, he will slowly wend his way down the aisle toward the altar, like a bride about to marry his own ego, during which parade — or perp walk, depending on your...

2020 shaping up — as 2016!

Bernie Sanders has had a heart attack. If this is anything more than the sort of blip on a heart scan that doctors notice two months later, there is little question that his presidential campaign is done. In fact, under these circumstances, I think it would say a lot about his immoderate lust for power if he even considered staying in the race...

Final Thoughts on A Former Great Republic

By way of yet another addendum to my recent musings about the bipartisan nature of America’s rapid disintegration, I see today that the owner and editor of Alt-Right Poop (formerly Right Scoop) is getting that Trumpy tingle up his leg again, this time over straightforward evidence of the angry mob character of Trump’s supporters, as though this were a wonderful thing. In the...

Democratic Debate: Bobbing for Communists

As usual, I will preface the following comments about the latest Democratic presidential debate by saying, “Please! Do you seriously think I would watch two minutes of a Democratic presidential debate?” Two minutes, no. But one minute and twenty-three seconds, on the promise of seeing a young punk mock an old man’s memory loss on national television merely to score cheap political points?...

Helping Elizabeth Warren Understand

During the second Democratic Party presidential debate (depending on how you count them), someone named John Delaney apparently had the audacity to suggest that many candidates were throwing around promises like candy, rather than accepting the limitations of government action and economic realities. Against Delaney’s daring introduction of common sense into a de facto rally of the Communist Party USA — as if...

Weekend Reflections: Lies, Alcohol, More Lies

This weekend’s triptych of themes: why progressives lie; the secret of Trump’s success; why the left needs racism. Elizabeth Warren, giving a commencement address at Morgan State University, a primarily black college, told the graduating class that she has never experienced the racial bias that black people suffer — for which she has zero evidence, of course — because, she shockingly revealed, she...

Elizabeth Warren Solves America’s Race Problem Forever

  Elizabeth Warren lied about her ethnic heritage throughout her academic career, repeatedly and obviously seeking personal and professional (and later political) advantage by claiming to be Native American — or as Harvard Law School boasted of her, its “first woman of color.” Now, in perhaps the greatest fit of accidental genius in the history of idiocy, Warren has tried to verify her...