Tagged: abortion

Canada Demands Pro-Abortion Statement to Receive Government Services

The essential mechanism of democratic socialism, which Tocqueville explained perfectly with his warning about the threat of soft despotism, is the nanny state’s inviting web of progressive “help,” which gradually lulls well-meaning but compromised citizens into the immobility of moral paralysis, until they are ready to be devoured by a government with an endless appetite for human blood. Take the case of the...

Random Thoughts On The Way Down

“Make America Great Again!” “Forward!” “Vive la France!” “Workers of the world, unite!” “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!” “Make love, not war!” “Serve the People!” “Yes We Can!” “Black Power!” “Don’t Mess with Texas!” Political slogans all. Each one loaded with calculated emotional heft, and each one intellectually empty and abstract, often deliberately so. The purpose of these slogans, and others like...

Feminists on the Injustice of Pregnancy

Korea’s recently-elected progressive government has announced plans to begin “research” on the country’s restrictive abortion laws, which, of course, is another way of saying they are going to get the ball rolling on legalizing abortion. This initiative is merely an effort to bring the letter of the law into sync with the spirit of national decay, since many thousands of illegal abortions are...