Category: 2020 U.S. Election

Sleep tight, America

America is sliding quickly toward socialist tyranny. Joe Biden, or more precisely the people controlling his hologram, would accelerate that slide, full speed ahead. Donald Trump would continue that slide at the measured pace over which he has presided for the past four years, steady as she goes. If an alcoholic is drinking himself into ruin, is he better off draining his bank...

The Will of God

Well, I did it again. After days of warning myself not to do it, I finally caved in and typed “American Thinker” into my internet browser on the eve of the U.S. election, like one who just cannot resist the urge to peek at the drunken girl across the street to see whether she is actually vomiting. I felt a little dirty visiting...

Things That Cannot End Soon Enough

It is possible that Donald Trump will lose the presidency on November 3rd — praise be to God. It is equally possible that Joe Biden will win the presidency that day — blame be to man. If your goal during a virus pandemic is to prevent anyone from getting the virus, you have already failed by default. If your goal is to slow...

Musings on the Least Consequential Election in U.S. History

Imagine if all the teams in the National Football League folded today, all colleges cancelled their football programs effective immediately (a good idea by the way), and all teenagers were homeschooled so that there were no high school teams of any kind (my fantasy world). Now imagine that as a replacement for the sudden lack of all qualified football squads, the owners of...

On November 3rd…

Half of the people who vote for Donald Trump will be voting for him because although they despise and distrust the Republican Party establishment behind him, they believe Trump himself is a strong enough man to resist that establishment’s duplicitous machinations. The other half of Trump’s voters will be people who gain comfort and reassurance from the thought that the party establishment is...

Fake News: Election Virus, Non Sequitur Alarmism, Killing the Elderly

I have seen various mainstream news reports predicting that the 2020 U.S. election could have the highest number of voters in American history, with one story speculating that as many as 150 million votes might be cast, which would entail the highest rate of voter turnout among eligible voters since 1908, a whopping 65%.  These predictions, of course, obviously indicate some sort of...

Whatever Happens, Happens

I am not caught up in this year’s U.S. election season. Some readers, I suspect, probably assume I say that sort of thing merely to express disdain or disgust for the individuals at the forefront of the events, or for the media’s coverage of same. No; I really do not have any particular interest in the election. Which team wins is of no...

Random Electoral Observations

Donald Trump and Joe Biden both seem to have proportionally small hands, although Trump’s are obviously the smaller, as one can see from any photo of him together with his wife, whose hands appear considerably longer than his. Nevertheless, both men are famous for being incapable of keeping their little hands to themselves.  That’s shorthand, if you will, for the basic problem of...

Debate Rules

The Commission on Presidential Debates has adopted new rules for the next presidential debate, choosing to mute each candidate’s microphone during his opponent’s initial answer to each new question. That strikes me as a decent start, but I think the commission still has a long way to go to ensure the best possible debate environment for the American voters.  Not only should Trump...

Disasters All Around

According to a headline from The Hill, “Biden slams Trump for calling Fauci a ‘disaster.’” On its face, Biden’s “slam” seems fair. After all, who is the bigger disaster, the government apparatchik who has spent the past eight months on a personal glory tour, deliberately stoking mass panic and actively promoting tangible tyranny for the sake of aggrandizing his own little ego, or...