Tagged: Republicans

Impeachment: Seven Questions Answered

Given that the House of Representatives has now voted to impeach the 45th President of the United States, Donald the Wonder RINO Trump, I suppose it is time at last for yours truly, the 1st Proprietor-in-Chief of Limbo, to clear up all the key matters related to this “historic” and/or “phony” event in the life of mankind. Without further ado, then, here are...

Thoughts on the Wing: More U.S. Midterm Musings (With Even More — and More — Updates!)

Predictably, the day after the midterms, Republican voters are divided on the meaning of the results. Hardcore Trump cultists are following their lord and master in calling this loss of the House of Representatives a great victory, since at least the GOP held the Senate. The all-night social media “conservative movement” types are in the depths of despair, as they were just sure...

U.S. Midterms: Round and Round

My American friends will be voting in their midterm elections on Tuesday, November 6th. And when I say “My American friends,” I mean that sincerely, on more than one level. Thus it is with equal sincerity that I say “I’m so sorry,” to all principled Americans today. For your political system has been completely and intractably undermined by competing factions of unprincipled careerists,...

Weekend Reflections: Red Wave, Beer Daze, Wet Souls

The drunken gang rape of Brett Kavanaugh’s life, career, and family by the Democratic Party, its supporters, and its propaganda arm (aka “the mainstream media”) — based on a flimsy thirty-five-year-old allegation that would, were there any evidence or witnesses to support it, amount at most to a misdemeanor committed by a minor at an underage drinking party — has some Republicans excited...

Trump and the Art of Sycophancy

(Originally published in March 2016) Four years ago, Donald Trump’s first year-long anti-establishment charade ended when, naturally, he settled his presidential endorsement on the GOP establishment’s candidate. I say “naturally,” because flattering or carrying water for the status quo has been the most natural thing in the world for this megalomaniac, driven as he apparently is by the insecure schoolboy’s ultimate fear, namely...