Tagged: U.S. Senate

The Second Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump

Let us start with the easy question. “Did Donald Trump do things worthy of impeachment?” If you have to ask, you are spending too much time parsing your experience through a tribal media filter. Of course he violated his oath of office, in ways directly harmful to the legitimate government and interests of his nation, too many times to count. And of course,...

The Kavanaugh Hearing (Alternate Take)

If you watched more than a few minutes of Thursday’s U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee “hearing” on Christine Blasey Ford’s completely uncorroborated accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, you have already disqualified yourself from ever being confirmed for any position in the U.S. Federal Government, since you obviously have serious and probably irremediable sado-masochist tendencies. But if, like your friendly host here in Limbo, you...

Big Surprise: Obamacare Repeal Dead

For years, Mitch McConnell’s GOP establishment promised to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, where even the dimmest bulb in the box, if being honest with himself, knew that the “repeal” part was merely a rhetorical veil for the real goal, “replacement,” a.k.a. rebranding and permanent entrenchment, a.k.a. greasing the skids for the eventual slide into the true goal, socialized medicine. Well, now the veil...

The Totalitarian Ratchet Turns

By a charming coincidence, socialized medicine is claiming a famous victim at the very moment that its grip on the West’s last outpost of liberty is tightening. Together, the British government’s success in running out the clock on Charlie Gard and the U.S. Senate’s apparent progress toward paving the road to single-payer healthcare in America have symbolic value. For years, we have spoken...