Tagged: Trump administration
Democrats must be flummoxed by Trump’s “foreign policy.” He has stolen all the moves they used to do behind closed doors or (accidently) into hot mics, and he has turned those secret anti-American subversions into boastful, brazen betrayals of American interests and America’s allies — and his supporters shout “MAGA!” and “Nobel Prize!” for each and every betrayal. Imagine if Obama had known...
I merely wish to draw the reader’s attention to Mike Lee’s comments upon leaving the Trump administration’s briefing on the military action against Iran. To insert only the simplest preface, I will say only that Lee, in his typically staccato, rapid-fire way, issues a straightforward reminder of what republican (small-r) government looked like before the Republican (big-R) Party, along with their millions of...
“Trump is our dream come true,” thought the paranoid conspiracy theory populists, “because he will put an end to all these overseas military engagements and expose the globalist military-industrial complex.” “Trump is our dream come true,” thought the pragmatic neo-conservative World-War-III-mongers, “because in his ineptitude and ignorance, he will beg us for advice at just those moments when we are most eager to...
Leaving Donald Trump aside, since in the end none of this is ultimately about him, I would like to return for a moment to Trump’s tweet lambasting his own former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson: Mike Pompeo is doing a great job, I am very proud of him. His predecessor, Rex Tillerson, didn’t have the mental capacity needed. He was dumb as a...