Tagged: the West

U.S. Presidential Debate: Live Report

I just tuned in for a few minutes of the presidential debate between Joe Biden’s ghost and Donald Trump’s tape loop, already in progress. By chance, a CNN hairdo/moderator was just embarking upon a line of questioning related to foreign policy issues, beginning with Ukraine. Here are my impressions: Biden is reciting talking points that are presumably being fed into his ear by...

Blinders of Convenience

The aggressive effort to reduce “Western” or “European” civilization to its alleged sins — racism, sexism, imperialism, systemic inequality, cultural appropriation, greed, and the rest of the neo-Marxist talking points — serves as a convenient diversion from the truth that these same sins, such as they are, may be found equally, though perhaps with regional variations, in all times and places. By hiding...

Culture and Nature

No one who sincerely espoused an attitude worthy of the name “multiculturalism” would ever imagine that multiple cultures — let alone all cultures — could or should coexist under an umbrella of mutual love and acceptance; for this would be to denigrate the very notion of culture. As though the various ways of human living, developed over centuries of survival, poetry, and faith,...

Reflections on the Progress of the War

The absolute worst and most immoral thing to do would be to assist Ukraine’s effort in its war of self-defense just enough, and just long enough, to heighten the severity of the conflict and ensure that millions of innocent people will be killed or displaced, and then to get skittish, pull back, and become all prudish and pragmatic about not wanting to disrupt...

Two Reflections on The War

Ukraine may well be winning the war at this moment. In fact, the amount of damage and humiliation they have already inflicted on the Russian war machine is a moral victory for the world, on so many levels, regardless of the long-term outcome of the war for Ukraine’s sovereign territory. I say “regardless of the long-term outcome” because it is obvious that the...

The Surrender Continues

Five seconds after daring to say in public the most obvious and uncomplicated truth on the planet today, namely that Vladimir Putin should not remain in power, Joe Biden’s administration was in panic mode trying to “downplay” and “walk back” that remark, fearing how it would be interpreted. Fearing how Putin might respond. Fearing how the statement might affect future negotiations with Putin...

Two Perspectives

You tell yourself that you are showing restraint and offering concessions to the bully in order to help him save face, thereby perhaps preventing him from acting rashly in his humiliation. He tells himself that your boasting of restraint and your concessions are merely your means of saving face as you surrender to him, and that he may therefore be more certain than...

The Cold War, Farcical Version

One reason Western diplomats keep telling themselves a tyrant with openly stated global ambitions doesn’t really mean it, is that they never say anything in earnest, so they cannot imagine anyone else would. Right now, the world is witnessing the results of a confrontation between a man who tells you what he wants to do and then does it, and a hundred and...