Tagged: lockdowns

From the “Who Was Dumb Enough to Believe This Was Ever About Public Health?” File

During the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, those of us naturally inclined to resist propagandistic media hyperbole and distrust tyrannical models of government “efficiency” spent a good deal of our time, and inordinate amounts of our nerves, arguing with some of the dumbest or most fear-driven humans we had ever encountered, over the strange new question of whether allowing the governments of...

Random Thoughts

Give and take.-– Everything that makes you tired of your fellow human beings can also, if you remember to let it, make you more appreciative than ever of trees, birds, turtles, clouds, and the way an otter’s head pops out of the thick river grass. Start to finish.– The first fully formed appearance of the essence of what is usually called Western civilization occurred...

Trump as Dog Whistle for Sweden

A virus that has proved quite inconsiderate of lockdowns and social distancing continues to be used as an excuse for tyrannical impositions of arbitrary state authority over absolutely every aspect of ordinary human life and interaction. A virus from China that has proved far less dire and deadly than the Western media had hoped and prayed and propagandized continues to be cited as...