Tagged: experts

Pandemic Lexicon

COVID-related: Euphemism for “government-imposed,” designed to obscure the real effects of excessive state power by reframing these effects as symptoms of a virus that has in fact caused almost no such effects, e.g., “COVID-related unemployment,” “COVID-related poverty,” “COVID-related closures,” “COVID-related suicides,” etc.

Expert: (1) A person whose beliefs about a given subject have been elevated to the status of absolute truth by…

Propaganda, Thinly Masked

A few minutes ago, about 6:40am Korea Time, I opened the internet on my computer, which automatically directed me to my MSN homepage, where I was greeted by this top headline: “Model lowers death projection as more wear masks.”  My first thought was, “That is not a news headline, but a propaganda slogan, revealing yet again how thoroughly in the tank for the...

The Paradox of the Experts

An expert is a person we are supposed to believe because what he says is science, and therefore true. Likewise, any self-proclaimed expert, meaning anyone who accepts that public designation and thus grants himself the authority to be trusted as such, assumes that his own statements should be believed because what he says is science, and therefore true. And yet every single example...

More Random Socially Distanced Thoughts

Every positive coronavirus test, every increase in “cases,” every political aide or professional wrestler or meat packer or disco dancer found to have “infected others,” is trumpeted by the totalitarian bootlickers (“journalists”) as an apocalyptic event — and of course, as definitive proof that freedom doesn’t work. Geez, next thing you know, they’ll be trying to tell us we need tyranny to save...

One Difference Between Experts and Me

During this brief hiatus in my continuing Limbo series, “The Rule of the Experts” (read Part One and Part Two), I cannot resist an opportunity to highlight one of my central conclusions about the kind of people modern society refers to as experts, by way of this simple point of contrast with myself: I am occasionally proven right. Case in point: Back on...

The Rule of the Experts, Part One

An honest search for knowledge inevitably and necessarily opens out on other avenues of inquiry beyond the one originally embarked on. The moment one begins to feel “knowledgeable” about X, further questions present themselves — questions which, if examined with the same honesty with which you set out on the initial investigation, typically complicate the original knowledge. Specifically, the whole truth you seemed...

Listen to the Experts

According to experts, the coronavirus pandemic could be with us for eighteen months, two years, or forever. During this time, experts explain, it is essential that humans avoid all unnecessary contact with other humans, in the name of preventing the spread of this virus which has already spread so widely that no one has any idea whatsoever how many people have contracted it....