Tagged: Down Syndrome

Progressives vs. Life

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from my old friend Tony Bauer, former co-host of the best political talk radio show they ever made (which explains why it is no longer made), replying to my recent observations about the inherent infantilism of progressives, particularly as relates to the easygoing justification for the mass slaughter of abnormal babies on the grounds that they are “not...

It’s World “Scare a Progressive” Day!

Progressives, as I have recently reiterated, are motivated primarily by a debilitating fear, specifically the fear of life’s vicissitudes, risks, and challenges, i.e., of all those things that cumulatively constitute the conditions for spiritual growth and emotional maturation. In short, progressives are spiritual and emotional infants, and will do anything and kill anyone to stay that way. Hence, World Down Syndrome Day must...

Of Down Syndrome, Death, and Deer

A few days ago, an editor at the Washington Post contributed an op-ed explaining that although she has never had to face the decision herself, were test results to reveal that her fetus had Down syndrome, she would certainly abort it. After all, she “reasoned,” this would not be the baby she wanted. Progressives everywhere proclaimed this writer’s merciless self-absorption “brave.” This is...