Tagged: Democratic primary
Here is a current headline from the standard in Western journalism, The New York Times: “Doubts Linger as Democrats Vote: ‘I Don’t Think We Have a Perfect Candidate.’” If by “perfect,” the NYT and its doubters mean “someone who is not a blithering idiot,” then they do indeed have reason for doubt. If by “perfect,” they mean someone slightly less Marxist than the...
To the shock of absolutely no one who has ever watched a United States primary season unfold, there is a new poll, released in the last moments before Super Tuesday, showing that Joe Biden, who seems to have no idea where he is or to whom he is speaking at any given moment, and has no clear positions on anything, other than that...
Similar to the 2016 primaries, the Democratic Party establishment is currently pulling out all the stops — which means all the candidates not named Biden — in a desperate attempt to block Bernie Sanders from winning the party’s presidential nomination. This in spite of his popular support among that plurality of Democrat voters who are tired of their party’s slow boat to communism,...