Tagged: Canada Day

Reflections for Canada Day 2021

In case you were wondering why I had not posted any kind of Canada Day observations in time for the big day, as per previous years, the answer is simple: I do not care. Canada Day does not really exist, because Canada no longer exists. I hold a passport for an imaginary geopolitical entity that is now nothing but an Orwellian update of...

Jot Notes from Underground

If you want a perfect synopsis of our political reality today, and where we are headed, read Brave New World. If you want to grasp the psychological weakness that precipitated the fall of modern civilization, read King Lear. If you want to know the mind of the bureaucratic expert class that is manipulating mass opinion and electoral politics in the name of advancing...

Happy Canada Day: A Revised New Improved National Anthem!

Back in 2018, I proposed a new national anthem for Canada, one which would replace all the obvious systemic oppression, sexism, Eurocentrism, religious exclusionism, and general social injustice implied in the original, with a non-triggering anthemic equivalent of a safe space, i.e., a song more in keeping with the spirit of Trudeaupia, aka the People’s Republic of Canada. I was quite pleased with...

Happy Canada Day! (If you choose to identify as Canadian and don’t find happiness an offensive remnant of Eurocentric philosophy)

  Back when men were men, women were interesting, the British monarchy was merely superfluous rather than “Upper-Class-Twit-of-the-Year” ridiculous, and the Frankfurt School transplants at the University of Chicago had never even heard of a little Baptist minister from Saskatchewan named Tommy Douglas, there was a beautiful land called Canada. It’s gone now, of course, long since succeeded by the Trudeaucratic Republic of...

Happy Canada Day, So to Speak

Canada, the nation that brought socialized medicine to North America — i.e., that first crumbled one of freedom’s pillars, the right of self-ownership, in the modern, liberty-engendered New World — and spent the better part of sixteen years under the leadership of a Castro-loving, Maoist-sympathizing progressive pragmatist, Pierre Trudeau, is now governed nationally by a new generation of less pragmatic, more ideologically aggressive socialists. Its...