Rick Santorum Commits Climate Change No-No
CNN was innocently hosting another ho-hum on-air hot-air panel discussion of climate change, when all of a sudden Rick Santorum committed the ultimate faux pas on this issue, namely floating the possibility that the “climate scientists” whose work is used to promote global socialist “climate solutions” may not actually be motivated by the love of truth.
That is, Santorum noted that these experts get funding for their research from organizations or entities with a political agenda that is enhanced by certain findings on climate, and thwarted by certain other findings, thus raising the possibility that the actual findings of the resulting research might be intended, or shall we say colored, to match the funders’ agenda. After all, climate scientists want to eat, keep their jobs, and enjoy career success, like anyone else.
Appeal to authority is the standard argument of all popular proponents of anthropogenic global climate change. “Scientist after scientist says….” “The scientific consensus says….”
Apart from the essential invalidity of appeal to authority as a logical argument, there is among these proponents an absolute (and convenient) naiveté bordering on complete ignorance as to what a “scientist,” in the professional sense, is, and where these “scientists'” research money, career-advancement, and publication records come from.
Rick Santorum had the out-of-order audacity to allude to this basic elephant-in-the-room issue. CNN’s world exploded.
Prediction: If nothing is done about global warming and the progressive agenda it serves, in twenty to thirty years CNN will officially be a state-owned media outlet with its own truth-enforcement SWAT team, and their offices will be federal government buildings.