The Doorstep of Chaos
A vainglorious megalomaniac with the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons is fighting a war of aggression intended to break the will and splinter the unity of the West once and for all. The most populous country on the planet, with the largest military and third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, has used the world’s economic opportunism to pay for the development of a totalitarian technostate that realizes Orwell’s most extreme nightmares. A lunatic asylum fake state ruled by a dynastic tyrant exhibiting the severest case of short man syndrome is throwing caution to the wind by throwing matches into the tinderbox in a bid for attention.
Such a moment as this would seem to cry out for the nation currently presiding as the last bulwark of freedom and civilization to provide a leader capable of walking the tightrope with confidence, strength, and a certain calmness-inducing demeanor. On November 5th, the United States of America is going to elect as its president an ignorant fool, which is to say a person uneducated enough not to be able to recognize what he or she is sorely lacking, and naturally deficient enough to lack the basic curiosity needed even to begin filling in the gaps.
If my goal in writing were to build reader numbers, I would certainly not be taking the position I have just expressed above, which is consistent with my position of the past eight years in observing American politics. I would at the very least seek to conceal my judgment to some degree, so as to allow people of one tribe or the other to imagine that I was “on their side,” rather than openly and repeatedly wishing a pox on both houses, particularly at this moment when even the most frustrated and distrustful of American voters are likely getting ready to swallow hard and commit to one of the two houses in question, however grudgingly. For being this way, on this and every other issue, I now have very few readers beyond friends, and very few friends beyond the truest kindred spirits…which also means I have few bad readers and few “friends in name only.” Prior to 2016, I concede that I had a substantial number of both, and of course a slightly optimistic tendency to overestimate both. I have since been cured of any hint of optimism, along with a few other related weaknesses, once and for all. Thank you Donald Trump.
If I wanted to have ten thousand readers tomorrow, by the way, I would simply write a five-hundred-word flourish — I am quite good at flourishes when I get into the mood — about how God’s decision to save Trump from an assassination attempt this year is proof that He (that capital “H” is meant to indicate God, in case that isn’t clear in this context) favors America, and has chosen Trump as the necessary savior of both country and world at this moment, and then send this flourish off to one of the popular websites where I used to appear regularly.
I could do that in an hour or two, were it not for the nagging thought that, as I am still mired in the mysterious aspect of God’s ways more deeply than others seem to be, I cannot help imagining at least three other equally logical (internally consistent) explanations for the sparing of Donald Trump’s life, to wit:
(a) God, who gave mankind free will, refused to allow a random act of violence to undermine His wish to judge America on her ultimate choice, i.e., whether she would save herself at last and choose the better path, or damn herself in His judgment with the sin of another Putin proxy presidency.
(b) His ultimate plan does not require the survival and rejuvenation of America, but rather the downfall of America and the formerly free world. His greatest creation, man, does not grow in maturity and gain wisdom through comfort and ease, but rather through hardship and failure; hence, the further devolution of modernity’s greatest political achievement into a vulgar, materialistic personality cult — a reality TV show — is both inevitable and favorable to God’s ultimate intentions.
(c) His intentions with regard to Thomas Crooks’ failed assassination attempt on Trump had nothing to do with Trump or America at all — typical vanity of the foreground figures and nations at any given blink of infinite time to assume that the Grand Design is all about them — but rather to do with Crooks, or with Crooks’ relations, or with the innocent bystander killed in the shooting, or with that innocent man’s relations, or even with some outcome related to this failed assassination attempt itself only in the most distant and obscure way which may not materialize on Earth at all for a hundred years.
There is always a chance, however, that Trump may still snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and Kamala Harris, a mindless puppet of Marxist schemers, become a hood ornament on the juggernaut of global socialism at least as oblivious and harmful as the ghost of Joe Biden has been.
In either case, to return to my thesis, on November 5th, The United States of America, in response to the quickly growing potential for an unstoppable spiral of civilizational destruction to swirl into being at any moment, is about to elect an ignorant fool as president. I have no solution or suggestions today. I merely point out the fact.