Tagged: Donald Trump

A Joke That Gets Less Amusing Each Day

Dinesh D’Souza, arguably the fakest fake intellectual in America’s “right-wing populist” infrastructure, has just pulled back the curtain on his biggest fraud ever — albeit while attempting, per his usual style, to play-act some measure of personal detachment from his own self-promoting, America-hating misdeeds, thereby (he hopes) saving some hope of further tribe-baiting, money-grubbing schemes in the future. Specifically, he has quietly, oh-so-carefully...

Traitor or Useful Idiot?

Donald Trump has nominated Tulsi Gabbard to be his director of national intelligence. Gabbard is an overtly pro-Putin propagandist, an apologist for communist China, a willing and unmasked agent for foreign tyrants with blatantly anti-American agendas. Does Trump know this, and is he choosing her because she will compromise America’s national security for the sake of furthering totalitarian goals in Europe and East...

U.S. Election Aftermath Part Two: Good News, Bad News

Had I been an American citizen on November 5th, I would have voted for neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump. Unlike certain Democrats and other nihilists today, however, I do not deny the basic humanity or the right to live in my community of any actual American who felt compelled to come down on one side or the other that day. I understand...

U.S. Election Aftermath, Part One

Yesterday, I wrote in my U.S. Election Day post that I was pleased to have the opportunity to set aside the thunderous climax of the flatulent election coverage (Republican tribe version), in favor of enjoying lunch and some reading time with a young friend here in Korea, a philosophic student of mine, who had offered to bring salad and doughnuts to my office....

Election Night in America

Sitting in my office this Wednesday morning in Korea, which means Tuesday evening in the U.S., I have been vaguely attending to Fox News’ election coverage on my second monitor while I work. At 8:45EST, as I write this, I note that for all the numbers talk, the economy talk, and the demographics talk, there are three words I have yet to hear...

The Doorstep of Chaos

A vainglorious megalomaniac with the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons is fighting a war of aggression intended to break the will and splinter the unity of the West once and for all. The most populous country on the planet, with the largest military and third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, has used the world’s economic opportunism to pay for the development of...

Note On Political Humor

I have seen headlines over the past few days railing against the incredible racist fascism on display at Donald Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally. Dismissing this as just the usual mainstream media hyperbole and something-out-of-nothing-ism, I refused even to allow myself to scan any of the articles to find out what the supposed controversy was all about. Today, however, I admit to having...

Reflections On Current Events

They do not all say the same things, using the same catchphrases, because they are part of a grand conspiracy, but rather because none of them has either the independence of thought or the facility of speech to form and express a non-conforming opinion, or to give serious consideration to an idea that has not already been predigested for him. As for the...

Two Reflections On the U.S. Election

In less than two weeks’ time, The United States of America will vote for one of the two alternative methods of losing World War III. A vote for the Democratic Party as it now exists is a vote for engaging in the fight but then, when the priorities of economic totalitarianism at home and global progressive activism abroad rise to the forefront of...

U.S. Election Notes

In about three weeks, the United States of America — a formerly awe-inspiring name which now has about as much real world resonance as “the British Crown” — will elect its next president. As has been the case for a number of elections, the mainstream options fall into the “Could it get any worse?” category, while the non-mainstream options, such as they are...