Tagged: technology

Alien Logic, Part One

As I am sure everyone knows by now, the United States Federal Government is about to make its first (allegedly) open disclosure about UFOs, which they have renamed with the military-speak abstraction UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), presumably to avoid laughing every time they name the subject of the report. Since there are about a hundred different angles from which to come at this...

A Brief Reflection on Surfaces

Smartphones, personal screens permanently before our eyes, offering continuous and virtually infinite varieties of stimulation, are the fulfillment and vindication of our slightly clunky old metaphor for internet use, “web-surfing.” To surf is to ride the ocean’s surface, to skim excitingly along on transient and ever-changing waves which, in their momentary violence and extreme proximity, foster illusions of ultimate importance. Meanwhile, the ocean’s...

Weekend Reflections: Fake News, Fake Reality, Fake Art

Yesterday, I wrote about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s old shoes, always a vital topic of political discussion, inasmuch as we all need regular reminders that politics is a smelly business. Today I would like to attend to a few matters tangential to this Sin of the Golden Shoes. I see that one commenter at Right Scoop, echoing the standard sentiment of Trump supporters, took the...

Are We Solving the Mystery of Atlantis?

Ancient Greek literature is replete with intimations of lost civilizations, great floods, and slow renewals of human knowledge beginning at some unspecified point in a misty past. The most famous of these intimations is Plato’s legend of Atlantis, a great naval power which was supposedly repelled by an equally great Athens more than nine thousand years before Plato wrote of it, and which...