Tagged: Sexuality

Civilization and Female Modesty: Gone With The Wind

Nothing gets deeper under the skin of feminists and their right-thinking progressive allies than the once- and long-honored notion of female modesty. This, of course, explains why the entire progressive program, from public policy and historical reinterpretation to education and popular moral messaging, has made the debunking of the “so-called differences” between men and women, and the obscuring of the very definitions of...

Two Random Acts of Civilizational Implosion

George Clooney, a thoroughly inconsequential member of an ultimately inconsequential profession who because he is famous for being famous believes, like so many of his ilk, that the world ought to care what he thinks about important political issues, has praised Australia’s Covid-19 response, and declared, on the basis of his no doubt expert-analyzed calculations, that 900,000 lives would have been saved had...

Nope, no slippery slope to see here — move along!

Another day on Earth here at the penultimate moment of Everything, so one hardly has so much as an eyebrow left innocent enough to rise at this story: Uma Louise was born at 6:06am on Monday in the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, weighing 2.6kg, to proud dads Matthew Eledge and husband Elliot Dougherty. She was conceived via in vitro fertilisation, using Matthew’s sperm and eggs...

On Freud

Recently, as sometimes happens, a friendly reader mentioned Freud and Freudian psychology in connection with a topic of mutual interest, in this case related to my essay, “Life Lived vs. Life Unlived.” As is my wont, I took this reference as a good opportunity to clarify for my friend, and also to summarize for myself, my general assessment of Sigmund Freud’s psychology. Please, in...

Happy Fourth of July! (But while I have your attention…)

  To all my American readers and friends — and that would be the majority in both categories — Happy Fourth of July from here in Limbo! This is a less than stellar moment for your nation, to put it mildly, but there is no reason not to take a day to appreciate all that is and has been great about modernity’s most...

Escape from Obama’s Transgender School Bathrooms

Barack Obama’s transgender regime has officially carried its demands for your child’s compliance with sexual deviancy to the level of an imperial directive: Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina. The guidance from leaders at...

The Denaturalization of America

In 2008, America elected a president from a broken home whose mother was sympathetic to communists; who as a youngster had formative relationships with a transgender nanny chosen by his mother and a bisexual communist pornographer “mentor” chosen by his grandfather; whose teenage friends were so devoted to drug use that they gave themselves a nickname derived from this habit, and developed their...