Tagged: mandates


Nancy Pelosi, a profiteering progressive fool who happens to be the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, made a brief visit to Taiwan this week. Communist China objected, and claimed her visit was a terrible provocation — because they want to do to Taiwan what Vladimir Putin is currently trying to do to Ukraine. Time Magazine, or whatever they call their online...

Expert Pretends She Knew

Dr. Deborah Birx, Anthony Fauci’s righthand fabricator in the Trump administration’s totalitarian overreach squad during the pandemic, has now said in a television interview that she and they knew they “overplayed” the vaccines, which, while they (allegedly) reduce the risk of severe illness, do not significantly reduce either the risk of contracting Covid-19 or the risk of spreading it to others. She further...

Vaccination and Coercion, Fear and Freedom

A young woman I have known for many years, who has been my student and my teaching assistant, and with whom I have engaged in many lively discussions about philosophy, the Bible, and global politics, has reached a sudden impasse in her life plans and her career path — an impasse defined by vaccine mandates. We live in the era of mass intimidation...

Musings on the Mechanism

If governments explicitly spelled out the truth on all the “emergency measures” and “crisis responses” they have initiated during the pandemic — namely that not one of these new measures, powers, or mandates will ever be repealed, but rather, on the contrary, that every one of them will be expanded, and cited as convenient precedent, in perpetuity, to encompass an ever-increasing range of...

Health Questionnaire

Do you believe that living longer, or living with the least risk to physical health and safety, is or ought to be the primary and overriding factor in living well? Do you believe that maintaining a clear line of demarcation between government officials recommending a course of action and the state demanding a course of action is an essential condition for preserving a...

Random Reflections: Phobias, Mandates, The American Mind

It is possible to criticize sexual attitudes or behaviors for reasons other than irrational fear of those attitudes or behaviors. It is likewise possible to dispute the theoretical denial of biological sex for reasons other than irrational fear of men who want to believe they are women. Thus, to categorically label all disagreement with the progressive push to normalize attitudes and behavior that...

A Climate Change to Die For

A pandemic — even a second-level one by historical standards — is a totalitarian’s dream come true. Suddenly, progressives have complete, hysteria-induced access to all the moral weaponry they have tried to invoke for years in the name of “global climate change” with only partial success. The whole thrust of the climate change movement, since its beginnings fifty years ago, has been to...

Lockdown Fever

The United States of America has been more locked down and restricted — particularly in its most populous areas — than almost any country on Earth this year. Nevertheless, she reports the world’s highest numbers of coronavirus cases and deaths. Needless to say, political progressives and their officially recognized “health experts,” with the backing of their media promoters — tyrannical souls all —...

The mask becomes your face

In the past twenty-four hours, I have seen a headline telling me that the infamous “experts” have decreed that masks, if worn universally and continuously by everyone, would save 100,000 lives — which means the experts have borrowed the climate science models and just changed a few keywords in the program. This is a headline because Donald Trump does not wear a mask....