Tagged: Joe Biden

Modern Stoicism

If I cared about human suffering, not to mention the special plight of women, I would be unable to eat or sleep in the face of my awareness that the United States of America has, over the course of the past two presidencies, coldly abandoned to tyranny, plunder, and predictable catastrophe people to whom the U.S. had solemnly vowed solidarity and security against...

Reflections on This American Moment

U.S. presidential politics in the End Times.– “X is either an incompetent know-nothing or a strategic genius who plays the fool to throw off the other side. After all, he did become President of the United States, and how could an incompetent know-nothing do that?” X just talks, but has no idea what he is saying, and even less concern with whether anything...

Reflections on Disinformation and the Disinformed

U.S. President Joe Biden has taken the official position that people spreading social media “disinformation” (a word now used by the U.S. government and media interchangeably with “misinformation,” effectively blurring the lines between the debatably false and the intentionally fake) regarding Covid-19 or the vaccines are “killing people.” In other words, Biden, speaking as the U.S. Federal Government, is holding private individuals personally...

Selective Moralism

I see that America’s Catholic bishops, comprising one of the Church’s weirder bodies of representatives, have suddenly decided that it might be time to consider the possibility of maybe holding a meeting to discuss the suggestion that President Joe Biden, a Catholic who has spent much of his very prominent public life as a practical advocate, supporter, and legislative facilitator of abortion, should...

Joe Biden’s First Press Conference

Joe Biden has conducted his first press conference as President of the United States. I did not watch it, and I have not listened to clips from it, read any summaries of it, or come across any “takeaway” soundbites from it. I promise you, and myself, that I will make every effort never to become aware of a single thing he said or...

Random Thoughts: Life, Death, the Living, the Dead

A student sent me a text message today consisting of the following questions: “Why is it important to try to think and find the existence of my soul? Why do you live?” Interestingly, the second question implies that the terms of the first question — thinking and finding the existence of the soul — are coextensive with the question of why I live....

It’s Mourning in America

The Bidens and the Harrises stood in dim light at sunset outside the White House, all wearing black masks, all bowing their heads, surrounded by votive candles, in a show of public mourning for the “500,000 dead” in America from Covid-19. Yes, it was yet another instance of modern sentimental man’s favorite ritual of feelgood self-identification: the moment of silence. And of course,...

Almost Random Observations in Descending Order

Most of Joe Biden’s voters were people who believed they could not live another day in a country controlled by Donald Trump and his Republican handlers. Most of Trump’s voters were people who believed they could not survive in a country controlled by Biden and his Democratic handlers. A country in which ninety percent of the voting population is divided into two groups...

The Uniters

It is true that after four years of Trump’s vulgar divisiveness, following eight years of Obama’s slick divisiveness, America needs a “uniter.” Joe Biden will not be one. Contrary to all the Forrest Gump fantasies of the popular psyche, an addled mind cannot accidentally happen upon the kind of subtle understanding and persuasive decency required to effect significant societal change in the direction...

Inauguration Coverage

Joe Biden has been sworn in as President of the Nation Formerly Known as The United States of America. He won the historic first election in which the two leading candidates were arguably the two dumbest men in America — just as his predecessor, Donald J. Trump, had previously won the historic first election featuring the two worst human beings in America. For...