Tagged: Jesus

Merry Christmas

It is typical these days, among those still sufficiently sentient and resistant to ideological indoctrination to have wayward thoughts, to wish others a Merry Christmas with a disclaimer to the effect that Christmases, at this historical moment, do not seem to offer much to be merry about. While I certainly sympathize with that mixed tone of well-wishing lamentation, I always try to remind...

Headlines: Popping Balloons

Headlines I have read over the past several hours…. NFL World Reacts To What Donald Trump Said About Rihanna. Well, I know there are three extremely popular entities in that exciting headline, none of which any of us would ever have heard of if we lived in a semi-rational universe. And as completely uninteresting and irrelevant as is whatever Rihanna does, or whatever...

Reflections on Living in the Midst of Things

Jesus put up with a lot of crap from government. If He could do it, we can too.  Richard Feynman: “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” In other words, the search for truth begins with the presumption, if not the firm belief, that the experts of the day do not know what they think they know. An expert is a...

Easter Musings: What We Have Learned

The man whose life is celebrated on Easter weekend died at age thirty-three, having been earnestly engaged in the full blossom of his life’s mission for just a few short years. He died condemned as a criminal, and at the time was mocked and ridiculed, or simply ignored, by most of his fellow men. So much for the ultimate significance of empires and...

Limbo’s Traditional Christmas Greeting

Many years ago, I wrote a Christmas essay for American Thinker. Because I am I, and my preoccupations are as they are, the piece was neither nostalgic nor sentimental in character, but rather a reflection on the ultimate civilizational significance of Christmas. That is to say, I was not primarily concerned with the religious or dogmatic meaning of the holiday, but instead with...

Christmas Turkey; The Teacher

Merry Christmas to Everyone Here in Limbo! It’s my honor and pleasure to have you here in my home away from home — which is to say my home in a world that no longer has a place for the likes of me. Two items for this Christmas, one new and typically dreadful, one very old and eternally joyful. The contrast will, I...

Happy Easter to All!

Happy Easter to all my visitors in Limbo. Limbo may seem a strange place from which to celebrate Easter, but then again maybe it’s not so strange. First of all, in this age of cheapened faiths of convenience, and holier-than-thou hypocrisy passing itself off as piety, perhaps a little good old-fashioned admission of unworthiness is the most authentic religion. Secondly, and on a...