Tagged: internet

High Tech Life

Arrive faster, and fatter. Work longer to pay for the luxury of getting to work more efficiently. Race unaffected past a year’s worth of interesting potential observations each day. Do a hundred transient and inconsequential things in the time it would have taken you to do just one meaningful thing in the old days. Accomplish thousands of tasks without having to go through...

Free Speech vs. Licentious Speech (Part I)

Recently, there has been a lot of gab on the internet about “freedom of speech” in relation to various platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and the like, which are owned by progressives, restricting or denying access to conservatives and others expressing non-progressive opinions. The most recent cause célèbre on this issue — I was tempted to write cause macabre — regards the discussion...

What did I miss?

This is the week I meet my new fall semester classes, which is why I have been a somewhat absent (yes, I know, that’s akin to “a little bit pregnant”) from Limbo for a while. My apologies. My apologies, as well, for having nothing much to say about the Catholic Church having been entirely taken over by Marxists who explicitly, knowingly, and brazenly...