Tagged: impeachment

December In Korea

Here in the land that calls itself The Republic of Korea, daily life carries on as usual. The end of the fall semester is upon us, with its typical stress-inducing round of exams that prove nothing, resulting in grades that serve no rational purpose, followed by days of bureaucratic hoop-jumping from the instructors as we satisfy the artificial requirements of a worldwide educational...

Um, yeah, anything, something, me, us, my tribe, Trump,

While continuing to evaluate the fallout from Mitt Romney’s decision to follow his conscience on Donald Trump — or rather to stab “his team” in the back, as Dinesh D’Souza and other sore winners would have it — I confess to having been weak enough to succumb to one of my guiltiest pleasures, namely to skim the reactions at my old haunt, American...

If this be treason…

Mitt Romney is a backstabber and a traitor. That is the consensus in the so-called conservative (i.e., progressive-populist-demagogue-Trump-cult) media today. A traitor. Because he betrayed…his party? The president whose impeachment charges he swore an oath to evaluate objectively? If the first, his party, then this would mean it is the moral duty, the honor-bound obligation, of every elected politician to vote on every...

Inconvenient Truths About America’s Decline

Mitt Romney probably killed whatever was left of his political career with his vote and speech supporting the removal of Donald Trump — and yet he chose to make this his final (and perhaps defining) significant act as a politician. Fact: America would be better off without any more Romney-style progressive establishmentarians in the halls of government. Also fact: America might still be...

Hot Takes on Senate Impeachment Vote: Part 4

Here is Mitt Romney’s speech in the U.S. Senate, explaining why he voted for Trump’s removal from office, in spite of his entire party’s hatred of him for doing so. Don’t waste my time or yours objecting to one thing I have written today (this or the preceding three parts of today’s “Hot Takes”), until you watch the following video, listening sincerely, not...

Hot Takes on Senate Impeachment Vote: Part 3

Steve Deace, who built some name recognition and a bit of a following as an alternative, Christian conservative radio host during the 2016 primaries, has added his voice to the gutless chorus of “Trump or death!” spewing from the mainstream GOP these days: I had Republicans try to get rid of me more than once over the years for telling the truth about...

Hot Takes on Senate Impeachment Vote: Part 2

Dinesh D’Souza, a pseudo-intellectual phony-baloney who has spent the past several years pushing various commercial, Republican-friendly products as though they were important theories, throws his two cents onto the pile of Trumpkin funny money regarding Mitt Romney’s infamous vote heard round the world: Who is the more vindictive one? It’s close, but I vote for @MittRomney over Nancy Pelosi because Romney is knifing...

Hot Takes on Senate Impeachment Vote: Part 1

Mitt Romney has voted to remove Donald Trump from office, which is consistent with his earlier vote to call more witnesses. This shows that the earlier vote was not just a butt-covering show-vote, but that he sincerely disapproved of the GOP establishment’s circling of the wagons for Trump. Here is radio host and complete and utter sell-out Mark Levin — establishment bootlicker extraordinaire...

Nietzsche on Party Politics

Apart. — Parliamentarianism — that is, public permission to choose between five basic political opinions — flatters and wins the favor of all those who would like to seem independent and individual, as if they fought for their opinions. Ultimately, however, it is indifferent whether the herd is commanded to have one opinion or permitted to have five. Whoever deviates from the five...

Peachy Impeachment News!

There will be no witnesses at the U.S. Senate’s impeachment trial, because the Republican majority voted almost unanimously against the proposition. Mitt Romney, who is widely accomplished, famous, rich, Mormon, and unlikely to care much about running for re-election in 2025, when he will be seventy-seven years old, defied his party’s sycophancy and craven political calculation and voted for witnesses. He will be...