Tagged: conservatives

Nietzsche for Conservatives

Back when the world was young — August 3rd, 2012, to be exact — I published an essay at American Thinker entitled “Conservatives Have a Secret,” in which I explained the inevitability of America’s collapse into progressive chaos, but argued that this inevitability itself could be turned into a weapon of mass renewal, if serious conservatives played their cards right. Things haven’t gone...

A Liberal is a Conservative Who Just Got Selfish

There is an old saying, “A conservative is a liberal who just got mugged.” In a pathetic attempt to reverse this path to enlightenment, Yahoo News is highlighting an op-ed by one Jerry Adler, opining that “perhaps tomorrow’s liberal is a conservative whose house just got flooded.” The flood reference is a lame attempt to exploit Hurricane Harvey as some sort of wake-up...

Rush Limbaugh Chickens Out, Calls Conservatives Bitter Clingers

Performance artist Rush Limbaugh went on a meandering rant against “NeverTrumpers” during his June 21st radio broadcast. As often happens when blabber-mouths get blabbering, however, his rant, which began as a pathetic defense of his Trump sycophantasizing during the GOP primaries, ended with Limbaugh hoist with his own petard, as he inadvertently but aptly labeled himself a chicken. Let’s begin with the audio. (Thank God for...

Here’s a “Binary Choice” for the NeverTrump Haters

Donald Trump supported Paul Ryan and “his” healthcare reform bill throughout the process, right up to the moment the vote was cancelled for the (apparently) last time due to a lack of support from the Freedom Caucus, the only members of Congress with any principles, courage, or shame. Donald Trump wanted this reform bill. It was not a free market solution because Trump...

Dumb Blondes for Trump, Abortion, Whatever

It has come to my attention that Tomi Lahren, whom I may have heard once on a Steven Crowder podcast, and who was apparently a hot commodity at Glenn Beck’s media enterprise, The Blaze, is now a not-quite-so-hot commodity without a media home, after a recent appearance on the Harpy Housewife Hour (aka “The View”) during which she declared herself suddenly pro-abortion. Like another alt-right dumb blonde,...