Tagged: Capitol riot

Reflections on American Politics

False dichotomy.— Is the American left using the January 6 Capitol riot as an opportunity to smear all “conservatives” (i.e., non-leftists) as domestic terrorists or insurrectionists? Yes. Does this mean the January 6 Capitol riot never happened, was no big deal, was a false flag operation, or was just a patriotic protest misrepresented by the media? No. By analogy, a black man who...

Liz Cheney (Almost) States the Obvious

In her opening statement at the January 6th hearings in the U.S. Congress, Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick “Deep State” Cheney, spelled out an interpretation of that day’s Capitol riot that, if it had crossed all the Ts and stated its unstated premises, would essentially have supported the interpretation I have offered here in Limbo all along. Put simply, all or...

January 6th, 2021

Donald Trump was the leader of a very large, deeply devoted cult. He won the cult by stoking fear and anger in people already feeling dispossessed and rejected by their society, and then hardened it by consistently promising his followers, in mantra-like fashion, to stand athwart history as the only man willing and able to serve as their protector and avenger. (“The Wall,”...

January 6th Commission: The Publicity Stunt to Fit the Crime

Disclaimer: I have not watched — nor will I ever in my life watch — one minute of the Marxist Tribunal Hour that the U.S. Congress has dubbed the “January 6th Commission.” I have only seen mainstream media headlines and still photographs accompanying same. This assiduously disengaged perspective, I believe, puts me in the ideal position to judge the whole affair from, shall...

Tribalism Today

Republican senator Ron Johnson, apparently eager to demonstrate the extremes to which a human mind may be reduced by cult idolatry and tribal allegiance, told a radio interviewer this week that he was not frightened of the rioters at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, because — wrap what is left of your rational mind around this one — “I knew those were...

Mission Accomplished, Order Restored, Long Live The King

Mitch McConnell, more than any other Washington establishmentarian, was personally supported by Donald Trump for years prior to 2016. And in 2016, no establishmentarian was more responsible than McConnell for Trump’s runaway domination of the GOP primary process. It is no exaggeration to say that McConnell personally cleared Trump’s presidential path, in exchange for which he scored his greatest, and most cunningly planned...

Random Rants: TDS, Impeachment, Valentine’s Day!

The first time I saw the phrase Trump Derangement Syndrome, during the 2016 Republican primaries, I honestly assumed it was a reference to the mental state of Trump’s more ardent supporters, the millions who had very obviously traded in all their old beliefs and principles to join a TV star’s personality cult. I probably first realized my error when I started getting swarmed...

Revolution as Systemic Check

If you think there will be a political solution to today’s problems, you are a part of today’s problems. Tyranny in the modern style depends for its perpetuation and expansion on the continued faith of the oppressed in the very political mechanisms that have been used to oppress them. In the aftermath of the Trump-fomented riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th,...

Things Common Sense Tells Us

Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election. One can debate about the unreasonable conditions the Democrats exploited to gain an advantage — unconditional early and absentee voting in many states being the most obvious — but it is clear that, pre-established conditions being what they were, Joe Biden beat Donald Trump.  To refuse to accept this is simply to defy and deny the...

Did Trump Incite Insurrection?

Did Donald Trump have a decisive role in inciting and fomenting the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, in which his supporters smashed doors to gain entry to offices, and coercively occupied the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives?

Yes. Yes yes yes. Obviously, yes.

Did Trump know he was inciting insurrection?