Tagged: adulthood

Reflections On Modern Time

A constant, regular ticking. — A world obsessed with time, schedules, and above all precision, will inevitably suffer the peculiar effect of reducing all life and all awareness to the vectors of temporality, namely an ever-growing dread of running out of time. For most people today, this fear — usually unacknowledged, even outright denied, but always palpable — is increasingly causing a kind...

More evidence of the totalitarian shift

Today I read this headline: “Trump says federal social distancing guidelines will be ‘fading out’.” Meanwhile, here in Korea, Moon Jae-in’s government, which was one of the most reasonable and restrained in the world in the early stages of this nonsense, has become increasingly schoolmarmish and micromanagerial of late, repeatedly warning people that if they insist on “violating” social distancing “guidelines,” they will...

The Four Most Difficult Overcomings

If the distance between what you are and what you wish to be matters more to you than the distance between what you are feeling at this moment and what you would like to be feeling at this moment, then you are no longer a child. If the distance between what you are doing and what you wish to be doing matters more...