Patriots Against the Gender Thought Police
On June 17th, I wrote about the passage of Bill C-16 through Canada’s Senate, legislation that literally makes a hate crime of merely objecting to the progressive vanguard on “gender identity” and “gender expression.” A law that in theory makes a thought criminal of anyone who disputes a new-fangled moral or scientific premise is inherently tyrannical.
A patriot, contrary to the progressive dilution of the term, is not a person who shouts “my ruling elite right or wrong,” thereby ceding his soul to his betters, but rather a man or woman who, in word or deed, defends rational principle — that is, human dignity — in relation to the nation’s present or future development, and who does so in a manner intended to preserve what is best in (or what remains of) that nation for the benefit of his or her fellow citizens, present or future.
The passage of C-16 revealed some patriotic activity in the unlikeliest of places, the Senate of Canada. To vote against such an Orwellian thought-crime bill, particularly when it is obvious that it will pass and become law, is to brand oneself with a permanent mark of progressive dishonor in a country that is becoming increasingly overt in its desire to crush all dissent permanently. That takes courage.
I want to make this as clear as possible. The senators who voted against this surging Maoism, all Conservative Party members, are mostly unknown to me. I am neither declaring nor assuming that they are all men and women with pasts indicative of heroism or deep principle. They may be so, or they may not. But people are often defined — certainly in the view of posterity — not only by the cumulative details of their lives, but also by their response to tests of their mettle in moments of extreme public focus in which matters of basic principle are on the line. Whatever else they may be, or may have done, how do they choose to reveal themselves in a situation that will truly define them as national citizens?
These eleven men and women of the Senate, in such a moment, chose to define themselves in a manner that effectively makes them Canada’s first official gender identity hate criminals avant la lettre. Criminals. Think about that. If Canadians were not, collectively, so sanguine about their country’s current precipitous slide into communism, the vote of these senators would be the kind of act that would result, in a few months or years, in their being imprisoned or publicly executed. And while they will likely be spared such literal martyrdom, they will wear their “hater” labels for the rest of their lives, having publicly identified themselves as opponents of a view now legally entrenched as an absolute moral truth.
The following eleven people acted on June 15th as the only true patriots in the Senate. Whatever else they have done or been, for this act they deserve the highest praise. They stood up to defend their country against tyranny, and worst of all against a pernicious enemy within. One of their nation’s ugliest hours has become their finest.
The patriots, the only members of the Senate respectful of the spirit of “The True North strong and free,” are: Don Plett (Manitoba), David Tkachuk (Saskatchewan), Yonah Martin (British Columbia), Richard Neufeld (British Columbia), Leo Housakos (Quebec), Betty Unger (Alberta), Norman Doyle (Newfoundland and Labrador), Tobias C. Enverga (Ontario), Thanh Hai Ngo (Ontario), Lynn Beyak (Ontario), and Denise Batters (Saskatchewan).