Category: Government vs. God

Giving Thanks to The Bountiful State

A great friend in Pennsylvania sent me an e-mail noting that in recent days he has heard several public service announcements suggesting that the proper way to observe Thanksgiving would be to “give back to the community,” a typical progressive attempt to reinvent a traditional holiday for leftist aims. He went on to suggest that the idea of “giving back to the community”...

God vs. Private Property?

My article, “Hysterical Christian-Haters for Property Rights” got a fair amount of attention from people craving some kind of rational conversation about that lynchpin issue of modern liberty — property rights, that is, not Christian-hating. Every time I write about property, however, there are always a few holier-than-thou progressives lurking in the weeds to say, “But Christianity is against private property ownership.” If...

Merry Generic National Holiday Season!

Season’s Greetings All! (By which, of course, you should understand me to mean only “Happy Winter.”) First off, I’d like to apologize to all of you for the past three weeks’ silence here in Limbo. It’s the end of the academic semester in Korea, and this semester has been overloaded with even more than the usual allotment of tasks, responsibilities, commitments, and also...

Obama’s Court Marks Churches for Death

(Originally published in July 2013)  The American Catholic Church, along with any other religious institution that resists granting “equal status” to homosexuality, is about to be killed. If you doubt this, just wait and see. The death sentence has been issued and the U.S. Supreme Court, cheered on by Barack Obama, has just denied the final appeal.  The SCOTUS decision to strike down...

Catholics and Communists

(Originally published in December 2013) The Catholic Church’s recent history of sympathizing with, and even supporting, Marxist progressivism is clear, sad, and indicative of a deeply irrational and anti-individual streak within the modern Church hierarchy. Catholics who care about the Church, its history, and its future—and also about humanity, reason and freedom—must stop making excuses for their current spiritual leadership’s collectivist authoritarian impulses....

Obama, the Pope, and the Faithful

The recent controversy stirred by Pope Francis’ criticism of the free market has had one beneficial side effect: it indirectly demonstrates the extent to which Barack Obama’s American apologists have more in common with a faithful flock than with independent, free citizens. As I am all too aware that this topic is a minefield, both among the Pope’s Catholic defenders and among supporters...

Santorum and St. Thomas vs. the Catholic Bishops

(Originally published in February 2012) In a recent interview with Hugh Hewitt, Rick Santorum, a practicing Catholic, levelled some very harsh words at the Conference of Catholic Bishops. While siding with the bishops’ recent opposition to President Obama’s imposition of abortion upon Catholic hospitals, Santorum nevertheless stated bluntly that the Church “had it coming.” Not only was Santorum right in saying so, but...

Catholicism and Freedom: A Moment of Truth

(Originally published in February 2012) The recent stand-off between the Obama administration and the Catholic Church is producing an effect that may prove to be more historically significant than the immediate battle over freedom of religion. A problem that has been growing within the Church for decades has finally burst into the light: the conflict between Church leaders and a significant portion of...