Alien Logic, Part Five: The Disturbing Truth
The New York Times, followed by its usual partners in crime, CNN and The Washington Post, has “learned from high-level sources” — i.e., received a memo from its employer, the government — that the UFO report due in Congress this month will claim to have no direct evidence of alien spacecraft. The mainstream media, eager to maintain both its revenue stream and the public atmosphere of confused titillation, is announcing the contents of the much-hyped report this way: The U.S. Department of Defense cannot absolutely rule out the possibility that some of the still-unidentified aerial phenomena catalogued by the military over the past decades might be alien spacecraft.
Other breaking news, following the model of the media’s (and apparently the United States military’s) new method of reasoning:
I am not sure what that lifeform was that I found on my kitchen ceiling last night — a tiny ladybug-like thing with crystalline spots — so I cannot say for certain that it was not a portal to another dimension.
I do not know what caused the bite on the side of my neck that has been itching for days, so I cannot absolutely rule out the possibility that I was attacked while sleeping by a Lilliputian vampire.
I do not know how the greatest nation of the modern world could have found itself led, in succession, by a Marxist loafer, an infantile sociopath, and a senile cipher, so I cannot prove beyond all doubt that the entire history of life on Earth has not been a cosmic computer hacker’s elaborate practical joke.
No matter what the U.S. military knows, claims it knows, denies that it knows, or simply refuses to talk about, one thing we all know, if we look at the situation rationally, is that over the past year, beginning with the official acknowledgment of the “authenticity” of the infamous Navy videos of UAPs, aka UFOs, and reaching fever pitch over the past two months, the U.S. federal government has been trolling the U.S. population, toying with people, deliberately playing coy and (presumably) testing people’s reactions, when they must have known perfectly well that these videos, at least, were far from extraordinary, and in fact quite mundane. Why would they not have said that directly at the outset of all this? Why not include, with the official acknowledgment of authenticity, a simple statement such as, “Yes, those videos are real images captured by members of the U.S. military, and yes, we can assure you that they show nothing special, so please don’t waste time imagining you are seeing some kind of mind-boggling evidence of something, because you are not”?
This story, from the military “authentication” to the mainstream media hyperventilating and spinning, has obviously been a PSYOPs operation. Perhaps the aim is merely to stoke the general paranoia, to reinforce the universal sense of life thrown off-kilter that has permeated everything in recent years, and hence to provoke an even deeper submission to the totalitarian premise that omnipotent government equals safety. Perhaps it is part of a lobbying campaign to jack up the already unfathomable budget of the Defense Department to super-duper-unfathomable levels. In any case, I am sure the players got the information and results they were looking for, and will soon be proceeding with the next step in the mass manipulation plan.
I should have entered that portal to another dimension when I had the chance.