A Joke That Gets Less Amusing Each Day
Dinesh D’Souza, arguably the fakest fake intellectual in America’s “right-wing populist” infrastructure, has just pulled back the curtain on his biggest fraud ever — albeit while attempting, per his usual style, to play-act some measure of personal detachment from his own self-promoting, America-hating misdeeds, thereby (he hopes) saving some hope of further tribe-baiting, money-grubbing schemes in the future.
Specifically, he has quietly, oh-so-carefully admitted, in order to protect himself in the face of a lawsuit, that his election fraud fraud (that is not a typo but a blunt statement of the essence of Dinesh D’Souza), 2000 Mules, was based entirely on lies. Yes, as is typical of such an unprincipled propagandist for hire, D’Souza tries to shuck the primary blame off on the election fraud fraud subcontractors upon whose “investigations” he based his pseudo-documentary’s lies, namely the pro-Trump “True the Vote” conspiracy-enabling dopes. But the fact remains that this self-described documentarian, conservative thinker, and historian ran with those two thousand lies and clearly did absolutely nothing to check their validity — quite the contrary, he made every effort to affirm it while attacking anyone who dared to question him — in spite of the fact that everyone not already drunk on Trump sauce could easily see that his “facts” were not facts, his claims were not logical, and his entire premise was about as plausible as the lizard-tail explanation for that “suspicious” little lump in the back of George W. Bush’s suit jacket during a 2004 presidential debate.
Here is my own first blush review of his 2000 Mules nonsense (not the movie itself, which I would never watch, but its essential claims, which were widely publicized and discussed on the American right at the time). And for my follow-up comments on how D’Souza responded when he started to get some public pushback on his fakery from a few “conservatives” who were not fully in the tank for Putin’s puppet Donald Trump, you may click here and here.
When the full history is written on this sorry moment of America’s demise, Dinesh D’Souza will warrant barely a footnote, to be sure. But it is worth pointing out in passing, if only to provide the context for future generations trying to decipher that scant future footnote to the national fraud from which America and modernity will be reeling for generations, that the Big Lie’s most shameless and amoral footsoldier, the one Trump and his faux conservative supporters in the profiteering right-wing media leaned on for their last gasp of rationalization for the 2016 betrayal of country and citizenry that caused the inanities and lifelong hatreds of January 2017 and beyond, that the movie 2000 Mules, produced by the convicted election law criminal Dinesh D’Souza, is now admitted by the man himself to have been a complete lie.
At such a glorious told-you-so moment it would be nice to enjoy one more good laugh at the expense of that whole band of opportunists on the so-called right who have sold their souls, and far more significantly their country, to an authoritarian fraud for the sake of money and career. Unfortunately, the joke has lost its freshness by now. In fact, in light of the 2024 election result, that joke has become a very bitter pill for the world.