A Few Reflections on the New US Presidential Race
Joe Biden is the lamest lame duck in American presidential history, having been pushed out the door of a speeding car and right off a cliff, never to matter again, in favor of a vice president who has hitherto done absolutely nothing in that role other than give the opposing party plenty of silly moments to laugh at whenever Biden’s own brand of idiocy got boring.
The American mainstream media pivoted within forty-eight hours from “Who could the Democrats turn to if Biden actually stepped aside?” — a nervous musing born of deep dread of their plight — to “Kamala Harris is the runaway favorite and the most popular woman in America!” That’s impressive lying and narrative control, even by US news media standards.
The Democrat media’s new, top-down sales pitch (aka “coverage”) of the presidential race now underway between confident and momentum-building frontrunner Kamala “Michelle-in-a-pinch” Harris and Donald what’s-his-name, is that Harris is happy, smiling, and just so darned cheerful, whereas what’s-his-name is, oh, how can we put it? — “just so weird.” Well, if the best thing they can come up with to attract people to Kamala Harris is that she is happy — Who wouldn’t be happy after winning her party’s presidential nomination without lifting a finger? — then I guess this will be the United States’ first official Instagram presidency. People who smile all the time, particularly when the grown-up world around them is in a heap of trouble, are either chronological or emotional children, and therefore not to be taken seriously, least of all as leaders of a major nation in a time of crisis. As for the happy girl’s opponent being weird, who didn’t already know that? And who hadn’t already decided, years ago, whether or not his weirdness ought to be a deciding factor one way or the other? Personally, I would say it should not be a deciding factor, particularly when one’s main rival is apparently going to run for president on the same qualities that are used to choose the Gerber Baby. But then again, I am weird myself, and wouldn’t have been a good candidate for Gerber Baby, so perhaps I am prejudiced against infantile smiles.
Anyway, if “weird” is the best you think you can come with against Trump, then you might really be as dumb as you seem.
If Trump wins, America is done for, and her implosion could be nasty, brutish, and short. If Harris wins, America is done for, but she’ll go out in near-comatose convulsions of self-neglect — drifting away in a dreamland of cheerful smiles we may suppose.